Sufficient Unto Each Day, The Evil Thereof

by Ernest L. Norman

In various ecclesiastical dispensations which are Christian in nature, there are as in various other elements of life, a constant and repetitious uttering of different truisms and clichés. One of these truisms refers, specifically, to the life of Jesus of Nazareth; and this life is referred to as “the greatest life ever lived.” No attempt will be made at this time to evaluate in an objective manner, the validity of this truism in respect to certain historical configurations.

The greatness of any man’s life, in a manner of speaking assumed to be great, seems to be in a direct proportion to how well he has confused those who followed after him and tried to interpret the manner of his thinking. This was quite true with Socrates who confounded the people of Athens in his time and day, with the approach to thinking in an unlimited and unhampered dimension of introspection. The crusade of this thinking was later picked up by a student named Plato; others followed after, including Aristotle. Yet, even unto this day, the precepts of their basic philosophies and the manner in which they approached the interdimensional introspection has, to a large degree, been quite confusing to the various devotees who have followed after these expressionists; and in contrast, with the confusion which they have generated, they have arrived at some greatness.

The same philosophy is true with the life of Jesus; a study of the various dispensations as they are contained in the New Testament, reveal an obvious fact; that Jesus taught in parables, obviously for the purpose which was quite well known to Him, to cause people to think their way out of a story, so to speak; and thereby derive the moral value of the parable. The same is quite true with Aesop, who compounded a series of diverse life depictions, each in itself, carrying the same moral lesson which applied to all human relationships. The value of such an approach to the deliverance of a psychological interpretation or some basic plane of moral reference should never be underrated; in fact, it should be considered as the best means to achieve certain ends when it concerns the dispensations of various teachings, which are somewhat either in opposition to, or in advance of generally accepted living practices.

In general, it can be considered that the most potent of all parables so uttered by Jesus in His time, and one which, incidentally, is the least understood and most neglected of all such parables, is the simple utterance “Sufficient unto each day, the evil thereof.” Various different ways and means have been attempted, to try to explain this simple parable; all inadequate, and all insufficient; just as is the general approach to the varied parabolistically conceived concepts in the New Testament, which have been so sadly confused and misinterpreted in various ways and manners. To a large extent the value of the true Christian philosophy has been largely over-ridden in later and more subsequent developments by certain individuals in an attempt to establish a certain church dispensation of various philosophical configurations, and which were later misconstrued as religion. This was the basic task which Paul – who was formerly Saul of Tarsus – took up in the beginning of the Christian church and its later developments into subsequent branches such as the Greek Orthodox and the Roman Catholic.

In these later developments, the true cause and purpose of Jesus’ mission was largely lost; instead of the philosophical approach to his basic understanding of life, it was now completely over-ridden and distorted by false deification of the church concept. Indeed the very principle of self-emancipation from the dogma and rhetorical-like earth life, its creeds and its pedantic attitudes were, in themselves, the basic elements which over-rode and superimposed the false liturgy into the simple basic concept of Jesus.

The parable, “Sufficient unto each day, the evil thereof,” while seemingly concerning some simple expressionary element of life was indeed much more than that, and in a general synthesis could be said to embrace the entire concept of a progressive evolution. For, in general, derivatives which could be extracted from this parable, anyone could see that the approach to a constructive and progressive evolution must be always predicated upon certain denominators of negative and positive relationships. It is in this sense, therefore, that we shall refer, in general, to certain existing scientific terms which relate, specifically, in the dimension of the electronic sciences as they are expressed in the world today.

The terms negative and positive relate to two polarities in the transmission of some electrical current which is traveling over any particular wire or through any given area at any time, such as in a radio transmission. The terms positive and negative also relate to the different or extreme ends of expression, or a complete reversal as it is concerned with the expression of its content, as an entity of expression. In this sense, we can likewise compare all equations of life in a similar manner.

In retrospect with certain happenings of yesterday or in the year before – and assuming that we have extracted from these various experiences, certain comparative values of relationship with subsequent experience happenings – we can, therefore, equate past experiences into present, or more recent happenings on the basis of negative and positive polarities; or, that we have equated in retrospection, a certain difference of transposition as some past experience as it has, in a comparative sense, linked itself in a new value of relationship to the more immediate present, through subsequent experience happenings, even though these were, more or less, only remotely connected with the original happening. Therefore the past sequences of the former years, as progressive happenings were superimposed upon them, and can be considered basically as negative-positive experience quotients.

It is in this introspection and synthesis that we arrive at a much greater meaning to the parable, “Sufficient unto each day, the evil thereof”; for as these numerous infractions of introspection are thus compounded from out of the experience dimension of the past, in combination with more recent happenings; and considering that these are, in a sense, more positively biased, because of obtaining certain mastery proportions of these experiences, or that we have lived through them and gained something valuable from them; we have then, indeed, approached a realistic personal realization of the parable of Jesus when He said, “Sufficient unto each day, the evil thereof.”

Continuing on, and expanding this concept into future evolutions, we can indeed form a very basic platform for properly understanding our progressive evolution into the future; not only as it concerns our more immediate future, in the years until that time when death separates us from our physical anatomy, but also in diverse successive earth lives, or into any other lives which may be lived in higher spiritual dimensions. The position of negative to positive in respect to various experiences through which we have traveled is always the determinance, in its respective polarities, to our progressive evolution; when we can gain more in retrospection to where yesterday and its experiences have carried over as a positive manifestation or polarity of mastership, into our present dimension, or horizon of thinking, then we have indeed mastered more of this progressive spiritual, positive and negative – or negative and positive – equation, and therefore advanced our future.

Conversely, the same is true; while we should, in any event, be always so positively minded of the present in respect to the past, it is sometimes, sad to say, that many people take the opposite position and inversely proportion their past in a negative sequence. That is, if they have stolen an article in the past and they have gotten away with it, (so to speak) this seems to give them a positive position in their moral equation and they believe that in the future they can get away with something even larger and more extensive. This is conversely, the negative biasing of the negative past; and in this respect, the individual is sure to precipitate himself into a never-ending downward spiral, and only a direct miracle of strong personal faith and dedication can save him from the everlasting and never diminishing pits of hell.

So it is wise to see, that in the manner and life of a person, such as Jesus, in the supreme continuity of the Superconscious as an abstract proportion of the Infinite that even the most commonplace acts and utterances were those of great portent and meaning. Indeed, nothing, even in the most minute quantity could be neglected in this Man’s life. It is sad to state that the subsequent years which He survived, were not perpetuated as a philosophical Light to guide people into a better way of life, but were expressed as merely a church configuration; that in this general deterioration of the understanding of His basic life philosophy there is, as of today, little semblance between the philosophy of Jesus and the dogmatic attitude of the church system which uses “Jesus,” as its central configuration!

For as the philosophy of Jesus was compounded from the simple approach to life, through the doorway of concept, which every individual is developing in his evolution through time and space, and through the various terrestrial and spiritual worlds, this entity of consciousness is, in itself, the single cell of everlasting life which will ultimately resolve any such person with this cell into an ever-expanding program of eternal life.

How strange indeed, that this basic concept has been so sadly warped and distorted by the demigods of the church systems; how they have set themselves up on the pedestals to be worshiped, to be deified, or to be considered as the sole expressionary element in a supreme plan of consciousness, wherein the very principle of life was made possible through the intercession of consciousness – not through a priest, but through the doorway of personal experience in some particular life dispensation. For as the experience was so lived and gave unto this person living it, the ultimate answer to the configuration of some earth life dispensation, so could the more ultimate end be achieved; that in general and in subsequent and unlimited earth life experiences, the individual would have within his consciousness the general conformity, the general concept, of the universal Infinity.

This then, is one of the parables uttered by a man credited with having lived the greatest of all lives; yet to those who have studied His life and in comparison to existing forms and dispensations of this life, its existence as a religious symbol, is a complete reversal to the doctrine of everlasting knowledge, and the acquisition of wisdom as a direct attribute in the continuous expression of everlasting life. The concept of salvation through intercession, or the remission of sins through intercession, becomes repulsive and defeats the purpose of this great life; defeats the entirety of its philosophy, robs the individual of personal integrity, and divests him of all moral responsibility, either to himself, his fellow man, or to his Infinite Creator. For the life of Jesus and His philosophy was, in essence and in principle, the ever-expanding dimension of consciousness which, in itself, guaranteed immortality as an entity of the Creative Consciousness or the Infinite Intelligence which had first sponsored Its beginnings in some terrestrial dimension.

And so the enigma of Christianity remains, whether it is one of the greatest or the lesser of the world’s religions; whether or not it is expressed in any of the current configurations or various denominations, these all have robbed the mission, the purpose of the life of Jesus, and despite their claims that He lived the greatest of all lives, He has, indeed, lived the greatest of all martyrdoms. For while He did (so history claims) in a physical world, die on the cross in the crucifixion; yet since that time He has daily been crucified in innumerable ways through various church dispensations. For the crucifixion of His ideology and His philosophy is the greatest of all human tragedies which has ever been written in the pages of history; one which has – in this day and time – brought mankind to the place where he is beginning to reap the whirlwinds of his indiscretions. He is beginning to harvest the fruit of his false and thwarted ideologies whereby he has sought to compensate the paganistic beliefs of the past, with the all-inclusive predominant philosophy of life which was taught in the parabolistic form and manner by the Man of Nazareth.

Yes, great indeed has been the misconception of this Man; He did not teach to believe in Him, as a personal being, who would guarantee salvation; but to believe in the Principle of personal salvation as a development of the Superconscious, or Christ Self, as a direct facsimile of the Infinite, Creative, Intelligence; that you should be born into spirit before you could hope for eternal life; and that this rebirth was the development of consciousness which would extend into the Principle of Infinite Perspectus.

Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus

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