by Ernest L. Norman
Now we have begun to understand that even in the simplest and most common acts of everyday life, there are always some very scientific principles involved which make these acts possible and that these various transmissions have, as has been suggested, very far-reaching and infinite effects. They relate not only to the immediate appearance as they are concerned with the individual but in a sense they also can affect, either inversely or adversely, certain dimensional transmissions which may be hundreds of thousands of years in the past or in the future. It is in these common transmissions of everyday life, in the affiliation of frequency relationships and such common abstractions as resolve themselves into the individual’s constructive evolutionary process which he calls life, which have been the determining elements in what he calls sin or evil, and good.
We can consider that any act which is performed by the individual is, first and primarily, merely the transmission or the release of a certain amount of energy. The energy used by the farmer to hold his plowshare in the furrow can be the same energy which the same man could use with a sword to strike off an adversary’s head. It is in the transmission of these various energy formations with which the average individual is concerned in his evolutionary process from life to life; it is he, himself, who determines which is or which is not constructive in his evolutionary pattern.
Thus it is, sooner or later, every individual reaches that certain particular threshold within his own consciousness when he becomes tremendously conscious of the difference between good and evil. When he is thus concerned personally with various transmissions of an evil nature in his past lives, he may say to himself that he has been destructively inclined. This, then, will always cause the individual a great sense of guilt, even though in his material life he cannot explain its origin to anyone; for it is a complex structure of various energy wave forms which are oscillating in his psychic body which have, at that particular moment, created for him a great subconscious sense of guilt. Whether or not he was directly responsible for these different energy wave forms – as they are impinged in the psychic body in his transmission of life in the past – is no justifiable excuse but merely means he lived his life in the common idiom of that particular moment; and in that process the energy wave forms entered into the structural matrix of the psychic self. He will, therefore, under these common conditions have a great urgency, a feeling from within himself that he must by some means cancel out or relieve the psychic pressure of this great guilt mechanism.
As is posed in the previous context, this feeling comes from and is primarily instigated by the development of his other polarity, the superconsciousness, for in these opposites of relationships, the individual is immediately struck with these great differences. The fact is, primarily, that the individual lives most of the time in the spiritual worlds anyway, where he can thus see these diametrically opposed differences. It can also be resolved that the transmissions of life are always instigated from the spiritual side of man’s nature and not in some supposedly immediate superficial reactionary combination of conditions which might arise on the surface of his daily life. Any act of any individual in his continuance of daily life, is also the continued and sustained oscillation which was previously incurred by the individual in other places; and under the laws of harmonic relationships, he is constantly instigating and inflicting within his psychic structures new and other differences in these psychic structures of energy wave forms which can be considered harmonic in nature to the originating wave forms.
Therefore in that particular position of life between earth lives, the person is more conscious of the higher, or the Superconscious Presence in the various affiliations with the more constructive or progressive side of evolution. He wishes then to cancel out these things so that in the particular spiritual worlds, in moments of transcendency, he makes certain connections or affiliations; or he may actually undergo specific scholastic teachings which will show him how these various wave forms can be cancelled out in order that he may be reinstated in a healthier position in his daily life.
We can take any particular person who has reached this threshold and find him traveling in the spiritual worlds and he will, under these conditions, affiliate himself with such teaching schools or agencies. Should he find some Avatar, such as Jesus, teaching a large group of people and showing them how the numerous and varied energy wave forms can be changed or transmuted in their psychic bodies, he will naturally have a great and compelling desire to do so. However, as part of this teaching curriculum, it is most necessarily imposed in the student’s mind that the corrective processes must take place in the same dimensions of relationship in which they were formerly incurred. This is so simply because of frequency relationships, for the person in question must now regenerate a completely new set of wave forms and cyclic patterns.
This new set of regenerative wave forms, while compatible as harmonic structures with the original set which was negative in nature, is now of a positive nature. Thus in combining with the original negative wave forms which incurred the indisposition or sin, they will, in this combining process, neutralize – just as in the case of common table salt – the negative or repercussive elements in these various wave forms. This, then, is the principle behind all spiritual healing. As has been previously postulated, it must and always does come from the inner or spiritual side of man’s nature.
Referring again to Jesus, the Avatar, and to those whom he contacted and who were so-called “miraculously healed” from various indispositions, this was the recombining of these different scientific principles, as previously explained. Those who were healed recognized in Jesus, the principle or Guiding Force or Avatar, who had formerly contacted them in the Spiritual World and had taught them the principles of correction of the various negative energy wave forms which were in existence in their psychic bodies; whether they were lepers or were blind or were otherwise deformed mentally or physically, made no difference.
In the true light of introspection as they were posed in that spiritual world, and looking into their psychic bodies from the higher self, these people saw the malformed wave form structures residing in their psychic bodies; but, at that time, they had no way or means to dissolve or cancel them, other than to reestablish themselves in an oscillating fashion on the common plane of earth life where they formerly incurred the negative indispositions. When Jesus came by the road where they were thus waiting for him, through frequency vibration, a certain rapport was again established with the life between earth lives where they had seen these energy wave forms and had had explained to them the principles for cancellation.
Referring to these various mental projections – which come under the heading of psychokinesis and which were an aiding or a catalytic agent or force in the process, then recombining as harmonic constituents the energy wave forms so evolved in this process – from the Higher Self of Jesus, these negative wave forms in the psychic body, as they related to atomic structures, were thus cancelled out and completely reconstituted as positive reciprocating elements which could be considered normal in their relationship to the human body. The very atoms, as structural elements in molecular formations and cell formations in the human body, were thus connected or changed instantaneously.
The thought must be held in the mind of the reader that every atom is a sustained or surface appearance of a cyclic pattern as it resolves in that dimension of the psychic body; and this same cyclic relationship also relates to every other atom in the infinite universe. These same principles also hold true in any and all sundry superficial cases of healing such as are incurred in our modern everyday world, whether they take place in the hospitals, in the homes, or under any other condition which can be envisioned by the reader. The same principles which have been explained must always be in proper conjunction and relationship before healing of any sort can take place.
It makes little difference whether the person who is ill or so concerned with healing, visualizes this catalytic agent as Jesus the Avatar, or whether he finds this catalytic and compelling agent in the face of his doctor, or that he finds it in the face of his priest; or perhaps he could even find it by swallowing a simple aspirin tablet or even by drinking a glass of water.
This leads us to the most necessary of all energy wave forms which are, as we have explained, catalytic in nature and which have been rather loosely grouped by the materialist as faith. In the field of relative energy relationships, there is a certain principle (or law), which is constantly and normally functioning in every process of life, called psychokinesis. In a sense, it is quite similar to other principles which have been explained; but it means that any individual can, in the normal processes of thinking, actually attune such frequencies of the regenerative forces of the mind into frequencies which are compatible with some exterior or interior object or transmission of life. We can find many different classical examples of psychokinesis, whether they are involved in our own personal relationships with life, or whether they are concerned with acts which involve other people. There is no such thing as blind faith, for faith is always a subconscious or an inward knowing – a complete conviction that a certain something can and does exist.
We could not possibly, at any moment, envision anything transpiring unless we knew it was completely possible and actually knew, to some extent – at least inwardly – the mechanics involved in such a happening. This, then, is faith; and whether the individual finds that his healing takes place in the simple act of believing in a fetish or a charm, a pill, or in some individual, makes little or no difference. It merely means that the individual has, through some seemingly subconscious process, connected up the transmissions of various energy wave forms into a continuity which is catalytic in action and thus can change the negative wave forms in the psychic structures. Conversely, the atomic structures will sooner or later follow through and the defect is thus cleared up in the physical body.
And so, dear reader, it makes little or no difference what it is we do, or into what dimensions we can carry our introspection; we shall always find that the same principles, as have been explained – which relate to the transmission of energy wave forms in harmonic structures, catalytic actions and psychokinetic projections – all mean one and the same thing.
These principles are inviolate; they apply not only in our own physical dimension as they are related to our physical life but are the basic and motivating forces which engender all of the processes of life, whether spiritual or material in nature. We shall never at any time find the ending or the cessation of these principles, for they are the energizing, the reactivating, rebuilding agencies and forces which are involved in that ever-expanding, contracting, constructive process we have related to the Infinite Mind which we call God.
Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum
See Part I here.