by Ernest L. Norman
Lesson 4: Basic Principles of the Infinite, The Atom, Interdimensional Relationships, Structural Concepts of the Cosmos
Greetings, friends, from Unarius.
Tonight’s lesson will be moderated by William Crookes, Michael Faraday and several other savants and scientists who have lived upon this earth and have gone into the higher realms.
Last week we discussed in our approach to this new science, something of mass and energy. We established the fact that there is no such thing as a solid and that all things resolve themselves into different forms or dimensions, or structural parts of energy. We also divided this energy concept into two classifications. We can say that there is static energy, as represented in the structures of the atom, in what we call solid or mass. We also found that it is this same energy in a transposed state or condition which we call dynamic, moving energy, or kinetic energy, and through Einstein’s basic theory, which is a factual or a mathematical calculus, energy can be transported into mass or mass into energy. Therefore, we resolved into the concept that the structures of the atoms themselves, while they may appear as small solar systems of energy, yet even the negative or the positive quotients of each atomic structure as is constituted in the electron, the neutron, the positron, and the proton, are subminiature universes of energy.
The atom as a whole can be said to be a galaxy of pulsating radiant energy which is beyond the dimension of time or space, as it is conceived in this third dimension. It was also found in our perusal and continuance of atomic structures that while science has classified 101 elements and while each of these elements possesses what is called an atomic weight, which merely denotes the structural contents of the positive or negative quotients of energy, yet each atom, each element in itself, also manifests in a multiplicity of superstructures or spiritual structures similar to themselves in that which is called isotopes.
Now we enter into a very vital and very important part of our concept which is, that energy has an I.Q. or an intelligence quotient and continues to exist under the conditions in which it was created. Wave forms, in their manifestations and remanifestations, as they do in what we conceive as time, reassert themselves as the same definite wave forms or pulsations.
Science itself is concerned with the fact that energy, such as light or radio waves or similar types of energy transference, travels at a base rate of 186,272 miles per second. This fact represents, as far as physical science is concerned, the ultimate and only stable factor in the entire structure of science. All science, as far as any other exterior structures are concerned, can be considered to be at least partially theoretical.
It is most necessary and vital to the future success of your study in this course, as well as to any future solutions which you may or may not enter into in your future incarnations that you establish these basic concepts within your mind in discovering how energy determines its own quotient, its own I.Q., its own frequency, or intelligence, which we call wave form structures; for only through these concepts will you be able to reincarnate into higher structures, into higher dimensions, and into higher realms.
There are no short cuts, and there is no one—as some believe in China—who will, in the ultimate moment when you cry “save me”, reach down from heaven, snatch you by the hair, and take you into some celestial domain. Whatever you get in the future in your spiritual evolution and your flight into the higher spheres or realms will be determined by just exactly how you conceive these things within your own mind. You shall never go beyond or be placed in any condition or in any place in which you are unable to live or function, or to perceive.
Therefore you must realize the vital and extreme importance of learning just what the Infinite is, just how It manifests Itself in an infinite number of dimensions which are the chord structures of the universe. These dimensions can be likened to the chords of the chromatic or the diatonic scale of the piano. When we have mastered these fundamental concepts, we can begin to assimilate and to put together the various pieces of this crossword puzzle which is called life. I am stressing this with the utmost importance. When you finish with these studies in one week, do not lay them aside until the next week’s lesson; instead, you must live with them twenty-four hours a day from now on.
Actually before you started in these teachings and for many years before, you were seeking and asking where you could get this truth. The proof of that statement is that you are now endeavoring thusly. Those who continue to assimilate will have reasserted the truth of this statement. You are all hungry for the elements which other places and other transpositions of truth could not give. The world is full of those who tell you that things exist, but so few can explain them to you. This is what Unarius is attempting to do. To minds which are comparatively untrained or that have not yet developed or evolved into the concept where they are able to integrate energy and mass into their daily lives, this task might be a difficult one, one in which you must persevere if you are to attain that which you seek. I know how difficult it is. I could say that Ruth, for instance, spent many months in this concept before she learned to discard some of the old principles of Churchianity and to approach the Infinite realistically, as It should be approached.
In review of last week’s lesson we will say that in the creation, the Infinite Mind started with that which we can visualize as a huge cosmic whirlpool of energy which has been contracting, expanding, descending, elevating and so on, into Infinity. That description is about as close as we can get into conceiving this creation within our minds. Actually, we can visualize it around us, just as we take in the radio waves or television waves which are pulsating through this room at this moment, we could see that there are dimensions within dimensions. These things are going on all around us at all times.
So the Infinite Mind became the ultimate, the absolute, the most abstract of these great cosmic or celestial vortexes of pure energy, pure intelligence, pure all in all. There is not a thing which you can conceive in this vast vortex, which is the Infinite Mind, which It has not conceived and of which you will not in a future day learn in the transposition of the differentiation of different levels of expression of this great Infinite Mind. As positive becomes negative and assumes other vortexes into the causal worlds, into the astral worlds, and into the terrestrial worlds, we can draw them all out like this, coming down and remanifesting themselves until they finally arrive in the ultimate as the smallest of our known structures which is the atom. The atom itself for example, the simple hydrogen atom is
believed by science to be one proton and one electron or neutron revolving in an orbit and the surrounding space filled with a pulsating energy which the scientists call the glue of the atom. This energy stems out, remanifests itself, and as you see the appearances of the parallaxes or that which we call the wave structures of the atom, it becomes the negatively or the positively charged particles (not solid) of the atom.
In the more complex atomic structures we would say there is a small ball of nucleus marbles which is called the nucleus. Around each one of these center balls is a positive charge. These atoms in themselves all have their own orbits in something of a complex structure which you have seen depicted on your television screen or in some of the more scientific works which have been accessible to us all.
Now the point which we are endeavoring to make here is the fact that in whatever shape or form you find these atoms, they resolve into pure energy. There is nothing else but pure energy. There are no solid substances. Another way to pose this tricky little abstract equation of energy and dimensional transition in our own minds was (psychically) given to us by Einstein a few weeks ago.
Picture it as a venturi tube, consisting of one longer and one shorter tube. This smaller end is represented as the third dimension. Here we have light frequency of 186,272 miles per second, which is the basic base line of energy transference in this dimension, going forward into the larger end which is the world of superinfinity, the macrocosm. Starting at the smaller end and rising in a constantly accelerating fashion is the speed of light. Einstein gave us a formula which was a certain square root of the base line formula, but it is too abstract a mathematical equation to be of general interest here. Going down here in the smaller half we picture subinfinity, the microcosm. In it we have three dimensions and we thus get atomic structures; again we find space rising in another direction. Time in the atom is compressed in an entirely different concept. So within each of these tiny electronic or protonic particles of the atom we again find infinity and other solar systems of energy and so on down beyond the concept of your own finite mind. Einstein and the physicists found that light accelerated in space according to a definite multiple of a certain square root, so that by the time light reacted in free space out in that great cosmic universe, it was accelerating at 4 or 5 hundred thousand miles per second, or it could accelerate into millions of miles per second.
Now we begin to understand something of the infinite nature of Infinity and how it expresses Itself down through these countless dimensional forms, resolving Itself as It does way down here into the terrestrial dimensions into atomic structures. When we have conceived this concept and integrated it into our everyday life, We begin to see that around us these solid masses resolve themselves into beautiful worlds of cosmic energy. We see that the walls of our rooms and our bodies become alive, sparkling gems of tiny particles. These vortexes all are manifesting and remanifesting their own infinite wisdom and their own infinite intelligence into our bodies. And it is a wonderful concept which will change your very lives! Going more thoroughly into what we might call the psychic structures of man, we now come to a point which has led to a great deal of confusion among people. Some of the theosophical concepts state that man has a spiritual body which is composed of many layers, like an onion, and that in going into the various transitions and elevations of spiritual concept, he sheds each succeeding layer. We need to bring it down into a much more practical and more acceptable form.
This drawing represents a man. Each individual has the abdominal viscera, and pulmonary viscera and the various organs with their functions in the body. The human body is a very delicately balanced mechanism. We have a glandular system which is called the endocrine glands; some are ductless glands, others have ducts which enter into the circulatory system. The point which we are making here is that as far as medical science is concerned, the human body is simply a thing, shall we say, of genetic creation; we came into this world simply as a by-product of a certain genetic process. This erroneous belief is why medicine today is looking for the unsolved riddles of the incurable diseases. The thought has not yet occurred to the medical man that this body could not have come into existence unless it was first conceived in another dimension.
First it had to be visualized and conceived from somewhere other than this 3rd dimension or terrestrial plane. This body was first conceived in the Infinite Mind as a life cycle.
We could say that each of these wave lines in their multiplicities and in countless and innumerable wave forms—and I could go on and on—that each one of these wave forms denotes its own specific and peculiar intelligence. These lines represent energy constantly re-creating itself, as they can be seen on the oscilloscope. This means that each one of these wave forms denotes something and does something under certain specified conditions. The same holds true of energy whether in this or other dimensions. Energy manifests itself in just that way.
We also found out that we have the basic sine wave frequency which is simply energy traveling in some such simple manner. The other modifications are modifications which are due to different conditions. Thinking a thought creates some active participle of integration in your own mind and as a result, it has reverted back into your subconscious. Intelligence resides in two levels—in the superconscious and the subconscious, and since most people function from the subconscious, every act of every day merely means going back into the history of your past, either in this life or in a previous lifetime, and relating certain extractions of experience as they exist in the reactionary or subconscious self. Within the superconsciousness reside other dimensional structures (as theosophy explains it to you rather crudely), which relate man in the higher purposes to the more Infinite Mind of the Abstract. This Superconscious Mind or Superconscious Self is what Jesus called, “The Father within”. It is our life purpose as we pass through these numerous terrestrial dimensions through the realm of experience, to attain that infinite concept. The ultimate attainment in the subtractions of all the elements of experience will determine whether we become analytical or whether we revert back into some sub-dimensional form. Every time you think a thought in your mind, you create a definite wave form. That wave form does not simply go out here somewhere and pass away because all thought in its purest and highest sense revolves in another dimension.
Now the psychiatrist and the scientist have a machine they call the encephalograph or the brain wave machine. They have found that as far as the science of electronics is concerned, the brain generates a basic sine wave of 10 cycles per second. We also have the intermediate wave forms. In other words, when we suddenly think an intense thought the little needle goes up and down making longer and more irregular wave sines. This is about as far as science has progressed today with brain waves—rather crude, isn’t it? But a step in the right direction. A little further into the future by the construction of proper machines, we shall actually see what these determining wave forms are which are contained in the experience of psychic shock or psychic integration of experience. Basically, the physical body is composed of physical elements of which there are 16, among which are calcium, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt. Roughly speaking your body contains enough water to wash a pair of blankets, sufficient iron to make a ten-penny nail, lime enough to whitewash a chicken coop, and enough sulfur to kill all the fleas on a large dog, in addition to some trace elements. This is what your body consists of basically; all could be purchased for 75 cents in any drugstore.
Now you wonder how this body exists. It cannot exist in any other way except from the energy oscillating from the psychic consciousness into this body of ours; during every second of the twenty-four hours of the day, come certain sustaining life forces or energies, and only from this source of energy could it exist. Scientists have not yet arrived at the point where they can put the sustaining life forces in the test tube. They cannot put it under the microscope or re-create it on the screen of an oscilloscope because this sustaining life force comes from another higher dimension which is, up until this point, strictly within the domain of the clairvoyant; people who are so-called psychic or have developed their higher senses. This too, incidentally, is merely another concept because no one can believe anything which he does not want to believe.
We have another body which is called the psychic body; and we have drawn another little man somewhat similar to the other one previously drawn; this we call the psychic self. According to the old Yogi, who understood at least partially what the psychic self was, we have different centers which are called Chakras which stem up the spine. These are centers similar to the sprinkling system used on your lawn; if we turn on the water faucet, the water comes out here and there and all over. At the base of the spine is the kundalini which is related to sex. There is another very important one at the base of the brain called medulla oblongata. Then we have the hypothalamus, this gland links you up with a cone of light energy which has been measured to extend above the individual’s head for at least twenty feet. We also have at the centers of the palms and at the finger tips, other centers. On the soles of our feet, in the ends of our toes, and in the joints of our body are also centers of this sprinkling system of cosmic energy, which is energy coming from the psychic self. For instance, through the solar plexus, which is the vital seat of the organic body, energy comes from out this psychic body and enters into the physical body something like this. (11-Vortexes in the centers of psychic image here) So we find we have various radiations. This radiation of light is called an aura. It, too, is measurable and contains seven basic frequencies as far as the terrestrial dimensional science is concerned. The Yogi calls it 3 prana, 3 karmic, and 1 spiritual or celestial vibrations. Now the actual structure of this psychic body itself is composed of innumerable vortexes of energy. Our sun is composed this way and the sun will be at the end or nuclei of this energy which is the source of our life energy. As the lead in the automatic pencil needs some intelligence, someone to insert the lead into the pencil for it to come out the end, in the same manner the sun comes out at the end or apex.
Our earth comes out in another of these vortexes of energy, just as every atom in the body comes from out one of these subdimensional expressions of energy. So it is with the psychic self. Each one of these centers becomes radiating points of light. They are vortexes. Contained within these vortexes are hundreds of millions of wave forms, each one with a definite quotient, its relation to the I.Q., its relation to the experience under which it was conceived. And so when you think a thought, you are transferring thought back into the #1 man, into the psychic self, and the power of that thought will change the numerous little vortexes which are connected to the central brain system of the psychic self, if you can picture it as a brain system.
I hope this is aiding you to begin to grasp the idea of this psychic body of ours. That is where we are constantly manifesting and remanifesting even though we may not be conscious of what we are doing, since the psychic body is the result of the experiences even from thousands of years ago. While we are concerned here in the physical with wave forms, which must always travel in a unified direction, in the psychic self we are not thus concerned because in that body energy is traveling in a circulatory or gyrating fashion or motion, so that in it, is neither time nor space. Energy is constantly reoccurring in its own intelligence but we are not conscious of it at all, except when we see some of the peculiar idiosyncrasies manifesting about us daily in ourselves and others, some of which we can’t account for and others we can. When we find things for which we cannot account happening, we can relate them back to experiences which are concerned in the psychic self. These unaccountable experiences are an extension of the subconscious mind, for we are still functioning on this sub-plane even though the cause may have taken place thousands of years ago.
Now I am very consciously aware of the fact that you cannot assimilate all in one lesson, as I have been studying these principles for so many years. I appreciate the fact that only so much can be absorbed at one time. It is the same as when we sit down to a meal; an overabundance of food tends to lessen not only our appetite, but also to lessen the enjoyment and the assimilation of that food.
If even a part of those reading these lines could actually assimilate what has been given in this lesson, they will have automatically gained what would normally require you three or four hundred thousand years—in some astral and physical worlds—to assimilate. They would get it in a little different way, but they would get it, nevertheless, eventually in later reincarnations. In order to understand the Infinite and our relationship to It, man needs to see the scientific interrelationship in all the Universe as it exists through these radiating energy vortexes as they extend from Infinite Intelligence to the minutest existence. As Jesus pointed out, “The Father and I are one and the same” and he meant each and every one of us and every other individual. Jesus was not the only Son of God. This statement was a misinterpretation which was written into the Bible by St. Jerome or Ireneus or one of the others.
It was the philosophy of Jesus (and I should know about as well as anyone else) that each of us has a superconscious self within which is our Christ Self. To believe in that statement, and by the simple process of believing requires an understanding of it. If you believe in the superconscious self, it is necessary for you to know what the superconscious self is. This Christ Self or superconscious self in every one of us will be our personal savior and will be the determinant which will lift us above the mundane terrestrial dimensions. It will put us into such a position that we can intelligently rotate into cycles which will bring us closer and closer unto the Infinite.
Now I realize these things are quite complex although we have tried to streamline them. We have tried to stay away from any heavy mathematical formulae and sundry things which tend to confuse. Our great aim as Unarius channels is to have you become acquainted with the principles involved. We must appreciate the fact that entering into these studies and teachings is of utmost importance. But it is a safe statement that one could not read these things through and after an hour or so be able to give a fraction of what is contained herein. Now I realize this difficulty, therefore, if we are going to get everything that we can from these teachings, we must go over and over them; in fact, we need to review the previous lessons and actually live with them until they are embedded into our psychic body. Assimilation of this work will need to be a seven-day a week job so that at night in your sleep, you will go to the places which will be best suited to your instruction. You will be projected in astral flight or attuned to one of these planets to be taught, for there is much work done in sleep-state. Venus is one of these teaching planets; when you so wish and will it, you can go there and continue your courses and your studies. You may not be conscious of these experiences the next morning, and again you may. You will assimilate the various principles and the things which you have endeavored to learn about from this side of life because we receive spiritual integration along with our physical cooperation in our material world.
These lessons are not such as should be set aside and discarded in the future for some newer or better philosophy. You will never find one. You may find ways in which these things will mean more to you than they do now, but you will never find any more, for these principles and concepts are the ultimate for many thousands of years to come; and these teachings will become truths of the future age which is often called the Aquarian Age or the Millennium. One thousand years from now these teachings will be given to boys and girls in school. Men and women on the earth will have to learn to understand them and live by them because then each person will become an integrated participant in the Infinite Creative Plan. We all become an integrated part of that Infinite concept, and every conscious act of daily living will become an integration of that principle, the Infinite Concept.
Until now we have all been more or less reactionary. We have accepted experiences blow by blow as they come to us in our outside world. This is why people are very reactionary by nature. We say that reaction itself is merely a process similar to the wiggle of the worm in pain when it is stepped upon. In the same manner our reaction or “wiggle” to the blow of the outside world is stimulated in a similar process through our psychic body.
By an understanding of these laws we shall approach our ultimate destiny and ultimate understanding of Creation. I am not alone in bringing this work to the eartheans. There are very definite scientific or parapsychological groups in the country who are endeavoring to bring some of these principles into existence. However, there are actually very few channels in this world who have the correct integration at this time with the higher planes of Shamballa or Unarius as it is now called. These teachings are so very vital and important to you that you not only need to read these lessons over, but also to study and absorb them into your consciousness.
There was a question last week of general interest which could be gone into a little further regarding flying saucers and Lee Crandall’s experience, as I realized after class that there was still some difficulty in the understanding of these things. Any physical reaction which we have in the body, whether it is a nosebleed or whatever else, if it is a physical reaction it comes from psychic shock. Anyone who goes up in a spacecraft or airplane at a vastly accelerated speed, or who enters into some relationship which tends to induce fear in a person, psychic shock results through the hypothalamus, which is the connecting link between the involuntary, coordinative system and the voluntary one.
I was born and raised in the high Rocky Mountain country and climbed peaks over 12,000 feet before I was 14 years of age, but the only time I ever had a nosebleed was a time I had a psychic shock.
In the same manner, Mr. Lee Crandall’s case and that of any other is the result of psychic shock. Mr. Daniel Fry, who accelerated to eight miles in a few seconds time at a speed probably from 10 to 15,000 miles per hour did not have the nosebleed. This was because his body was transmuted into a different dimension and with a different atomic vibratory rate, consequently the physical body could not react in its customary manner. In other cases however, reaction was normal. The body is a very delicately balanced system. The blood pressure, for instance, is a hydraulic system which is functioning against a mean pressure of the hydrostatic pressure around you, the air pressure, which the weather man calls barometric pressure. In other words, your veins, arteries, and capillaries are more or less kept extended into their proper proportion and diameter by an equilibrium of blood which is pumped against the existing and the opposing pressures from the outside so that your veins will not collapse.
The body has another delicately balanced mechanism, a thermostat in your liver, which maintains your temperature. So when you go up to the high places, it merely means that the balance, the equilibrium in your body is somewhat upset and disturbed so that this has an immediate effect. A woman faints because suddenly all of the blood has rushed from her head, causing a lapse of consciousness. First, there is a pounding in the temples,
she blushes, then suddenly the equilibrium, the balancing situation sets in; the blood drops back so violently that the brain is left without enough blood to furnish oxygen for the ordinary processes of thinking and so she faints. It is simply a reversal.
To show you what psychic shock will do to a person, I was fishing along the stream one time in my early twenties in a canyon near my home and was passing a certain pile of brush which was beside the stream. As it was August, the rattlesnakes were down along the stream edge for it was the time they were shedding their skin and the vapor of the water helped soften the skin. A snake was lying there under the brush and as I passed by, he lashed out and hooked his fangs into my corduroys and there he was, wiggling on the cloth, his fangs embedded in my trousers. I was untouched, and with a stick I killed the poor creature. There was nothing else to do; I couldn’t get it loose any other way. Within two minutes my nose bled. I had to make a cold compress with my handkerchief and put it on the back of my head. This was the same type of experience which Lee Crandall went through. His was also a psychic shock due to the fact that he was being transported from one place to another with which he was totally unfamiliar.
Let me put it another way. You are all familiar with the version of Jesus walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee. One of the storms came up and Peter and some of the other men were in danger of drowning. They were very frightened—you know this story—so Jesus appeared walking upon the waves. Peter became so infused with a terrific psychic transcendency within himself that he stepped out of the boat and attempted to walk on the water. He took several steps and all was fine until he realized what he was doing in his own mortal mind; he then began to sink. What had happened to permit him to walk? Just what was explained in last weeks lesson, in the realm of isotopes and an understanding of atomic structures, as isotopes. The mean basic frequency in which the atoms of the body of Jesus were formerly vibrating—and just as you yourself are revolving in and are now affiliated to this 3rd dimension—are subject to the influence of what we call a static field of energy or gravity. Under gravity we also have other physical laws which are known as momentum, inertia and various other factors. When we change this atomic rate of vibration, the atoms are still the same atoms but now they are not subject to or under the law of frequency relationship to the gravitational pull and consequently, Jesus and Peter could walk on the water.
This is what happened to both Crandall and Fry in their spaceship flights. Under the powers of these people who created these spacecraft, regardless of whoever they were, the bodies of Crandall and Fry were temporarily changed from their own normal vibrating rate or frequency. They still had the same atoms in their body; they were still subject to the same balances, the same equilibrium to that extent, as far as their own psychic selves were concerned; but they were not then subject to the laws of gravity or the terrestrial dimension. Therefore, Fry went up in this ship at a vastly accelerated speed, but he had no conscious feeling or sensation which you get when ascending in an elevator. The term—so many G’s pull, is used by aeronautics when you come out of a dive—through 5, 10 or 15 G’s. This means increased intensity of the gravitational pull. It also means that all the blood in the head rushes down to your feet or vice versa, in whatever position you happen to be.
I spoke to Mr. Fry recently and he understands this thoroughly; he agrees with me wholeheartedly, but Crandall has not yet quite arrived at the point where he realizes these things.
Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation