by Ernest L. Norman The reader must remember that time and space are synonymous in all respects, for if we did not have time, we would not have space. Time and space means only the transference, in some specific relationship of an idea or form of consciousness from one plane of equation to another. The sum … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman Now that we have entered into some of the more complex abstractions which deal directly with various interpolations of interdimensional movements, the formations of atoms, the relationship of an infinite number of electromagnetic fields, etc., this should prove a most opportune time to enter into associated fields of psychic interplay or extraterrestrial … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman Let us continue our exploration into the world of karma. In the foregoing chapter we have discussed some of the more pertinent and relative factors, some of the principles involved in this concourse of life, termed evolution, which constantly reinstate themselves in the principles of evolution as our day by day consciousness. … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman Jesus said to Nicodemus, “No man can enter the Kingdom of Heaven save that he be born again.” Jesus went on further to explain that what He meant was a spiritual rebirth. To a greater portion of some 900 million orthodox Christians, this process of being born again means that at the … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman It has been observed that during the past years of actively dispensing the teachings of Unarius, some certain individuals reacted either mildly or violently against certain presentations of life or concepts which seemed to violate their personal sense of propriety. In due respect to these (and any other) individuals who may, in … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman In our most recent discussions on the subject, hypnosis and other allied subjects pertinent and relevant to brain function were discussed and it was again firmly re-established that such adjunctive factors and other presently existing exploratory devices and other such expressions as are concerned with brain function are actually electrophysical and not … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman Greetings dear ones. Again it is the quiet hour, time for us to enter into a further discussion of our evolutionary pathway. In our previous discussion we entered into the conquest of the lower self, or as I called it, the Battle of Armageddon, that no man’s land where we learn to … Read more…
Dr. Norman answers a child’s letter where she asks “What is God? What is Infinity and where does God come from? What is God? Part I What is God? Part II
by Ernest L. Norman Greetings again, dear ones. In our previous explorations, and in our general discussion of governmental orders and transmission of laws and social conduct in the great country of America, we were not criticizing instead we were objectively pointing out that which could be such obvious derelictions of purpose in the execution of … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman Any material man is vitally concerned with various portions of his anatomy; the loss of any of its members is a tragedy or dire catastrophe. The man philosophically inclined is not so concerned but knows he can live without fingers or toes or even arms or legs; yes, he knows he can … Read more…