by Ernest L. Norman More than 4,000 years ago, a Greek philosopher was asked how to become wise. He replied, “Know thyself”. It is doubtful that this man, wise as he was, knew the full impact of this utterance; and so these words have become the classical understatement of history. For while it is possible, theoretically … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman The Martian cities are laid out like a wheel. The center hub is a very large circular structure which houses the various municipal and civic governmental departments. Underground is a very large atomic power plant for supplying the cities’ needs. The streets stretch away from the hub like spokes, and at regular … Read more…
Lesson I ~ General Summation of Entire Course: Religion, Philosophy, Evolution, The Aquarian Age Friends, Welcome to Unarius We have heard in our own circles and our own way of life various interpretations, such as the Aquarian Age, and we might even say into the terms of the more fundamentalist, such things as the approaching millennium, … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman As long as we are on the subject of calcium versus astronauts, let us go more directly into the physics of matter versus the fourth-dimensional cosmos. It cannot be overemphasized at this time, that in order to make any headway in understanding these concepts you must first understand energy, at least to … Read more…
The goodness of the evening to you, brother, and as you seem a little surprised to find yourself back sitting beside the lake where we left off this morning, may I say that I took the liberty to set you back in this same spot after receiving the impulses from your mind. I believe we were … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman In the foregoing texts, the reader may now have arrived at some definite points of equation wherein he has established within his mind, that considerable importance has been stressed into specific areas of these various configurations in his position to the Infinite. In one respect, the term Infinite itself can be considered … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman Greetings friends: This is indeed a most joyous and happy occasion, and so far as my own personal feelings are concerned, this joy is not some selfish joy in which I may be vindicated in my personal beliefs, or that I gain satisfaction in some such manner or form; but rather the … Read more…
In answer to a students question on Immortality—Immortal Life? Dear student: Unarius and the proposition of Unarius is, in its totality, entirely different from any religion, theosophy, philosophy or science as it is now concurrently being expressed. The existence of such creeds, credos, philosophies, etc., are in themselves, principally palliatives or placebos developed and exercised in … Read more…
An Informal Talk With A Student (1964) S – Dr. Norman, I notice of late people are beginning to talk of the concepts of Unarius, in a way? T – Yes, people are beginning to talk about things and concepts that we have had in our lessons and books for years, and they believe them to … Read more…
I will not bend my knee to seek the truth of life. But from within it is I’ll find and then I’ll cease my endless strife The hide of the rhinoceros or an elephant is supposedly thick and impenetrable yet is but a gossamer tissue when compared to the hide-bound opinions which have been fostered in … Read more…