by Ernest L. Norman A pleasant day to you, brother and sister. Since terminating our last visit which took place high above the city on a balcony, there have been some new and important thought questions which I have intercepted and which I would like, if I can, to clear up for you. Some time after … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman The dictionary defines religion as a code of ethics; however in a more generally accepted frame of reference, religion relates to the various interpretations of life, which are considered spiritual in nature; therefore religion assumes a certain transition of life or an interpolation of life values as they are concerned with various … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman The total concept of the Infinite Cosmogony as a personal proposition to learn and to understand at least to a certain relevant degree, is indeed, without question, a mind-boggling proposition. All peoples, as they have so evolved on the planet earth, have conducted or incurred the total consensus of this evolution on … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman (The following teaching was given in a reply-letter to a student requesting healing for another.) Dear Unariun: As of your communication received December 20th, I note that you have enclosed a clipping of a four-year old boy dying of leukemia, and your remarks of deep concern regarding this and other examples of … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman From time to time in various liturgies of Unarius, the student is urged to learn and use the knowledge presented to him. Inasmuch as the term—‘learn and use’ or ‘learning and usage’—could cause some confusion or misinterpretation to the student, it would therefore serve a good purpose to objectively analyze these terminologies. … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman It is without a doubt that the most misunderstood concept of metaphysics is contained in the ideology of karma. This is quite true whether we are concerned with people who have studied occultisms or various other religions, or that we are considering the layman who has accidentally bumped up against some expression … Read more…
Scientist Questions Biochemical Approach to Cause by Harry Nelson Times Medical Editor Los Angeles Times, Friday, December 31, 1965 Berkeley Researchers who have been trying to find a biochemical defect to explain mental illness have been barking up the wrong tree, a leading biochemist said here Thursday. Instead of looking for evidence of faulty brain metabolism, … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman Greetings, brother and sister. In going through my previous transmissions I have found that, while I have covered many subjects, I have not yet discussed government and leadership of the nations of the world. And while we here in this city of Azure do not relate ourselves in our service to you … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman During the twentieth century and especially in the latter half of the century, there has been a tremendously accelerated pace in all factors and aspects of mankind on the planet Earth—a great renaissance, as it were, a tremendous abundance and redundancy. Along with electro-mechanical discoveries and developments, the Space Age has blossomed … Read more…
by Ernest L. Norman To express a good and constructive thought, whether or not it is followed by an action, means this good and constructive thought, as a definite wave form, has behind it the potential of consciousness and is psychokinetically projected into the Infinite Cosmos. There, in frequency relationship, it finds an infinite number of … Read more…