
by Ernest L. Norman

Come with me and we shall stand at the East Gate
There you shall find that it is a place of many beggars.
And as they sitteth and crieth out for their alms of the passerby
Surely they are a motely lot, with the evils of many running sores
And that their clothing is rent and torn
Neither are they washed nor anointed.

But before thy findest pity in thy heart for them,
Thou shalt seeest the approaching caravan
And the rich man who rideth before the procession of many camels ~
Each of which is heavy-laden with the goods of the world
And that the merchant is dressed in the richest raiment.
Verily, he has adorned his person with many jewels
So much so that he must need guards to protect him from the highwaymen.
And that as he enters the gate he sees about him the many beggars,
So that he reacheth quickly into his pouch and casteth among them
a small portion of silver and copper
Then he passeth quickly from sight.

Then who will consider which has commiteth the greatest sin
That of the rich man who maketh of his goods an idol
That he must bow down and worship ~
So much so, that he casteth not the coins among the beggars with joy in his heart
But only that he is fearful, least he be cursed with the foulness of their words.

Nor shall it be, that thou shalt find compassion in the heart for the beggar
For surely he has not found compassion within his heart.
And that he cometh unto his evil ways because he knoweth not of the Spirit
Nor canst he see of this Spirit, which is within;
No more so than the rich man ~ for surely both have sinned.
Nor shall it be that these sins shall be cast aside
Until they cometh unto the place of the most high ~ which is within.

For surely that there is this place ~ and it is of the Spirit
Nor is it the Spirit which casteth man down among beggars;
Neither is this Spirit so contained in the golden vessels,
Nor is it given to luxurious raiment
Or that it adorns itself with the glitter of jewels.
Neither doth it need the spear and armor of protection,
For those who knoweth not of the Spirit
Findeth it nought ~ save by the purest desires in their hearts.

For surely as man falleth, he falleth by his own hand
So that he must riseth up by his own strength,
A strength which cometh not from the ways of the flesh
But from the greatness of the Spirit within.
And it may be, that the day shall come upon you
When you will look about you among the faces of men.
Verily, that while ye may see that there are some who are goodly and gracious,
And that they may regard their fellow man with compassion ~
Yet there may be others who have gathered about them the riches of the world
And that they indulge themselves in all manner of lusts.

Yea, and there may be even those who are thieves
Who ply their wickedness in the darkest shadows of the night.
For thou may seest that there are many beggars
And that there are some without limbs,
Or that they seest not, for the blindness of their eyes.

And as thou lookest among all manners of men
And that thou seest the baseness of all iniquities ~ mingled with the noblest virtues,
And that as all these things are contained in man
And as thou knowest of the teachings and the Word ~
That God is the Father of all
And thou mayest wonder why He has created all this.
Nay, this is not so; for God hath created all,
Yet it is man who createth himself
Only by the virtues which God hath placed within him.

For surely is God not like the well which is in the market place?
And that there are all manner of those who draweth water from this well.
For that the rich and poor alike, drinketh from it ~ also the beggar and the thief.
And that the tradesman must draweth water for his donkey ~ and the driver for his camels.

For surely it is, that all manner of things which liveth and are so created ~
So they must be constantly watered with the Elixer of the Divine Spirit.
For surely as all manner of man findeth his way to the well,
So surely must he findeth his way ~ to the Wellspring of life.

Excerpt from The Anthenium

1 thought on “Compassion

  1. Almost in tears with that one!!!!
    Thank you for this,our very important readings and truths!
    We will remain strong in the light!
    I AM forgiveness acting here casting out all doubt and fear
    Setting Men forever free with wings of cosmic victory
    I am calling in full power for forgiveness every hour to all Life in every place I set forth forgiving Grace!!!!

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