Letter To A Student

In answer to a students question on Immortality—Immortal Life?

Dear student: Unarius and the proposition of Unarius is, in its totality, entirely different from any religion, theosophy, philosophy or science as it is now concurrently being expressed. The existence of such creeds, credos, philosophies, etc., are in themselves, principally palliatives or placebos developed and exercised in common usage as a pressure valve used to relieve pressures or to otherwise justify differences in individual lives; and all such palliatives and placebos are therefore subjective to individual interpretations.

Science too is, in its factual differences, guilty of the same misinterpretations and justifications, false importance’s, etc. Unarius as an interdimensional science first presents the interdimensional cosmos and immutable laws which govern and control all functions within this infinity. Moreover, these laws and all creative principles involved are not subjective to individual interpretation or even categorical classification. Indeed, these laws and principles are not, at this present time, known to even the more highly-developed scientific elements. The proposition therefore remains inviolate.

If immortality is to be attained and if an immortal life is to be lived as a progressive function of evolution, then it becomes the individual proposition of every human to learn of these creative laws and principles, their functions, etc., and to integrate them as functional denominators in his daily life. Furthermore, this proposition clearly defines such immortality; and immortal life is lived in dimensions or realms not physical or third-dimensional in nature. Therefore, again the importance of learning interdimensional law and principle becomes life-saving as life in such higher interdimensional realms cannot be lived in a third-dimensional physical body or with a mind which functions or oscillates with third-dimensional constituents.

Therefore, to achieve such immortality and an immortal life, there must begin an inclinational process of knowledge and wisdom which explains the interdimensional cosmos and life as it is lived in these higher realms. Through the various books, texts and other liturgies of Unarius, this vital knowledge is immediately accessible to any and all humans who have the necessary requirements which will make Unarius desirable and comprehensible. The individual must first have passed through the realms of common atheisms which have commonly been used throughout man‘s written history. Such atheisms as religions, philosophies, sciences, etc., have all universally subverted a true interdimensional prospectus as it has always existed.

Religions invariably use some irascible temperamental godhead which functions on an emotional level. Philosophies only point out vague differences in individual interpolations whereby opinions can be centralized as an individual escape mechanism. Science is embroiled in an inescapable atheism which relegates life and all origins as third-dimensional.

To escape all these pitfalls requires more than Herculean effort as each individual life started or starts in its third dimensional evolution from primitive beginnings. Structurally speaking, such lives are compounded wholly from third-dimensional life experiences which have been many thousands of years in the making. It is not possible, therefore, under these circumstances for any person to summarily read through the Unarius liturgies and be completely and compatibly developed for life in a Higher World.

Again the proposition clearly defines that interdimensional knowledge and its insemination become an evolutionary process—a complete totality of personal involvement in this process of insemination—a process which can he expected to go on for not just so many years or the remainder of a lifetime, but a future of many lifetimes lived in a third-dimensional world and in lives in between lives where schooling becomes particularly advantageous. In other words, in the millennia of time ahead of this person, there is a reconstructive process of the psychic anatomy, the development of an energy body which can live in a Higher World. To return to or reincarnate into physical worlds means a constant and an ever-increasing comparative equation between physical life and life lived in a Higher World. Comparisons will involve, in totality, the third-dimensional physical world and the interdimensional cosmos.

The importance of maintaining contact with Unarius has now been multiplied many times. It cannot be a simple rote process, a simple reading of the books or texts; it must be an all-consuming objective which totally involves the individual. As books and texts are read and reread, newer and more profound truths are found as the individual intellectual level expands and develops.

Equally important is the constant contact mentally made with those highly-developed Beings who, for convenience sake, are called the Unariun Brotherhood but who, individually speaking, would be in biblical parlance called Archangels. So you see, dear ones, the importance of keeping yourself “plugged in”, as it were, to the universal, interdimensional powerhouse of wisdom—the interdimensional infinity—the source and structure of all worlds and dimensions. To learn and understand all this is far beyond the capacity of any third-dimensional mortal, yet a beginning must be made, a preface to a constructive evolution and its clearly marked pathway into the Higher Worlds.

Read then, and study; learn to evaluate your environment, your life, as a function of law, order and principle being constantly expressed and recreated in a countless multiplicity of forms and motion —all originating from and controlled by interdimensional law and principle.

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