From out of the Stars Comes a New Messenger Bringing You a New Life
Yes, it's true! Out in the vast Cosmogony are countless billions of suns called stars, some with planetary systems much like our own where other races of mankind live similar earth lives, yet these are but a handful of pebbles compared to the vast and incalculable number of more highly evolved planetary systems which cannot and have not been seen or photographed.
On these beautiful glowing spiritual planets man lives not in a fleshly earth body but in a glowing energy body, his world warmed and lighted by a rainbow-hued sky, his life freed from the vicissitudes of earth life.
These people are all advanced personalities who have formerly lived many earth lives in the bygone ages of time. They are the ones who have had the necessary courage and the conviction to pursue a better way of life.
Acting in highly organized groups, these invisible Messengers work like Guardian Angels comforting the sick, helping prevent many accidents, giving courage and inspiration, helping the newly dead adjust themselves to their new environment and countless other ways these Advanced Souls work silently and unseen among the earth people.
Many times too in the past these Messengers have walked among the earth peoples. They have done this by attaching themselves to the psyche of a newly-born infant where, throughout the life of this person the Messenger will be the Guiding Light bringing into the world through this particular person, some great work which he will leave for the posterity of mankind.
Inasmuch as at the present time the Earth is going through a great and tremendous change, it is extremely important that certain advanced preparatory work be started among many thousands of Earth people who have, through many lifetimes been preconditioned for this advent.
This Messenger has already begun his work, thousands have already been selected and started on their upward journey, their bodies and minds freed from the turmoil, strife and pain; their hearts filled with fresh courage and their faces illumined with new transcendent Light. Thousands more have already begun their new life and are overcoming the many plagues which beset mankind.
If you have the necessary courage, conviction and conditioning then you can join them. You and only you can determine your course of action and the results you will obtain. Your decision may mean the difference between eternal life—or many future lives lived in the pain-wracked hell-holes of earth lives.
The Messenger has prepared certain books and literature, which can be obtained at nominal cost and with these books comes the first great transcendent healing power which will help you immeasurably in the first steps of your journey. In these books you will find the true Science of Life explained so anyone can understand it, the cause and purpose of your existence—the true construction of the Infinite microcosm and macrocosm—what the Creator is. There are also descriptions of life in the Spiritual Worlds lived on the higher planets.
You will also find frank discussions and comparisons of all religions, social and scientific systems, and while you are studying and learning in the comfort of your own home, you will also be taken—while your body is asleep—to one of these higher planets and given personal instruction in classrooms dedicated to that purpose.
As this messenger lives and walks upon the Earth today, He stands as a living monument to the past and a Guiding Light to the future. Within His hands He bears the marks of a crucifixion 2000 years ago and in His heart He carries an immeasurable storehouse of love for His fellowman and in His mind He carries a compassionate understanding which transcends all boundaries, all time—and for the Earth people—He has lived and died many times, always leaving behind great treasures of courage, inspiration and wisdom and showing the way to those who followed, how to seek the Kingdom of Heaven Within.
As it has been and is now, so will the future be; as this Messenger has come, so there will be other Messengers to come when He has gone—for always it has been, that as man lives and dies and comes again to live upon the Earth, so there comes a time when certain of these men long to be freed from these Earth lives. As their cries, their prayers are heard in the ears of those who live on the higher planets of Light, so there comes the time when the Messenger goes to them and shows them the way, for all men are lost until they find this way.
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