Our Personal Battle of Armageddon

by Ernest L. Norman

In this discussion I am going to depart from my usual procedure of acquainting you with some of the more abstract principles of progressive evolution and enter into a more personal dimension of introspection, or one which can be considered as a detrimental influential aspect. You have all heard of the Battle of Armageddon, either as it was historically depicted by Nostradamus in his prophetic poems, or as it was Biblically prophesied. However, the Battle of Armageddon is not some advent which is to be fought in some future time between certain good and evil forces. The Battle of Armageddon has been going on for some years; as a matter of fact, throughout the past histories of the world, it has been fought in different epochs of time; such as in ancient Lemuria, more than 100,000 years ago, and at later dates in civilizations, such as Atlantis some 15,000 years ago, and on down to the present time. But wherever we find various civilizations and these confluxus of migratory peoples, as they have swarmed upon the surface of the earth, we have found them fighting, to an extent, the Battle of Armageddon. This is not merely a parable which exists as an advent but is an actual conflict between the astral worlds and those people who have, to some degree, succeeded in placing their feet firmly upon the evolutionary pathway in a progressive manner which will lead them into higher spiritual worlds.

The conflict between good and evil has been historically portrayed in many different times, and the advent of the Armageddon has been prophesied in different civilizations. Zoroaster predicted the Battle of Armageddon in his particular spiritual dispensation, just as Buddha also described the personal conflict in attaining Nirvana or the spiritual junction of consciousness with the higher dimensions of life. It was Jesus however, who carried the greatest impact and message in personal attainment and the way in which this attainment could be achieved by any individual. He also very dramatically demonstrated His own personal Battle of Armageddon and the victorious assault of the dark forces who succeeded in destroying His physical body; and actually, through their conniving cleverness, succeeded in turning His message of life and hope into one of the most dogmatic and rhetorical religious movements the world has ever seen.

In order to better conceive what this great astral conflict is all about, and how it is carried on, let us create within our minds a certain picture. If we think for a moment, we can see, in a sense, certain radio or TV waves are streaming through the room. There may be several thousand of these different wave forms all carrying definite impulses which can be translated by a radio or a TV, into the sound of the voice and carry the message; or they can also carry a picture. Let us enlarge this concept to include an interdimensional aspect; that is, we can now picture around us thousands of different kinds of worlds or planes of consciousness. These people are all compatible in these various planes; and as they so have established intercourse or communication between themselves in some similar respect to that which is being carried on in the material world about you, they are harmonically attuned to each other on the basis that their different mental concepts are similar in nature.

Now, some of these planes or worlds will extend on upward, so to speak, to a point where they become nothing more to our inward vision than a great and beautiful sea of light wherein people are living, much the same as they are Biblically depicted, as archangels or various other very highly developed personalities in bodies of pure radiant pulsating energy of the most intense quality.

Conversely, if we look the other way, we shall see other planes extending on downward, so to speak, and as they decrease, they become less and less intense with light, to the point where they seem totally obliterated in darkness. This is a manner in which we have created this picture within our own minds; for in truth, the people who inhabit and populate these numerous lower planes, have in a sense, shut out the light from their consciousness. They have become self-centered and selfish; they believe the whole world revolves around the immediate periphery of their own mental horizon. They have continuously reinflated their egos with all the various platitudes of self-deification, and thus they have shut themselves out from the inflow of life-giving light which should normally come to them and make a more progressive evolution possible. For you must conceive within your own minds that your physical body may be, to an extent, nourished by food; but the greatest part of the nourishment comes from within the interdimensions in which the psychic anatomy lives, and is reflected outwardly into the physical body as the life-giving property of that particular influx of interdimensional energy.

Should you, in a psychic manner, succeed in partially tuning yourself out from that inflow of energy, then you will consequently suffer; and should you succeed in tuning yourself out from the higher forms of radiant, life-giving energy which comes from the higher dimensions, then you will also become spiritually atrophied. You will become selfish and self-centered. You will become dissatisfied with your life. With this great pinching off process and dissatisfaction, you will inversely try to look about the world in which you are living and place the fault, or blame for your condition upon other people and the way in which they live. You will see great friction in political systems; you will also see great cause for distress in every way, manner, and form of life. This will be done, not because you can see better worlds above you, but because you have pinched yourself off and you are not making a constructive analytical analysis of your own position.

This is the way in which the people of the astral worlds, and especially the sub-astral worlds live. You are all very familiar with the neighborhood busybody, the person, who goes about, whenever opportunity presents itself, and sets up a whispering campaign; or he may be destructively minded and try to influence some person against another. They may, in various other manners and forms, try to exert their influence in whatever opportunity so presents itself. In fact, they are a real menace to the community in which they live. Some of these meddlers can be found in other places, such as in churches or in temples; they can be ministers or priests; they also can be political figures. But wherever they are, we are going to find persons who are trying in a very subconscious and subversive way to influence people, one against another, or trying to bring the world to their way of thinking, or to place the blame for some irrational conduct of life upon some unsuspecting and totally innocent people. In short, these are the “love me, love my dog” people; and the astral underworlds are peopled with these busybodies, these meddlers who are trying to influence, subversively speaking, people who are not within the immediate jurisdiction of their evil influence.

Now, if you can picture in your mind that throughout the room – or for that matter, in any place or in any way in which you may be involved in your various and daily life transpositions – there are at any particular moment, a great number of these astral worlds in direct contact with the mental thought processes which are going on in your mind. This is done through harmonic attunement with the diverse and sundry configurations of earth life dispensations in which you are participating. These attunements are subconsciously made even though you are not aware of them; in this sense you are, to an extent, wide open to the many influences which these subversive astral forces can project against you in a psychokenetical fashion. You must also realize that these astral worlds have different civic organizations and governmental systems; they have leaders or overlords; they have whatever particular kind of configuration you would like to picture within your mind as various ruling politicos or deifications of these underworlds. These are people who have, to an extent, succeeded, in their selfish way, in creating a dimension for themselves and have attracted other, but somewhat weaker minds, to the banner of their subversive way of life.

In this way they can maintain, for the time being at least, a certain form of life even though they are gradually pinching themselves off, and facing eventual destruction in the very lowest of all astral underworlds which are peopled by the demons. Yet, these people are, in a sense, desperate. They realize they have erred, that they have gone wrong, and, to an extent, in this desperation they also become inclined to grasp at straws; to carry any and all people who come within their reach, to the same impending doom which is their lot if they continue on in their own particular selfish dominion of consciousness. Therefore, as you go about the various tasks in your daily life, the little menial dispensations which are necessary, to a degree, for you to complete your cycle of earth life, these various astral underworld influences will come to you in varied and numerous ways. This is so because at that moment and time when you became more completely dedicated to advance yourself, you also automatically set in motion, the entire sum and total of these numerous different sub-astral worlds in a combined and concerted effort to prevent you from attaining an upward and progressive evolution.

Moreover, as you began to advance in this upward evolution, the attunement of your own particular personal psychic anatomy also became attuned to the higher dimensions of life through which you were traveling. In this manner the contrast between the radiant qualities of your own particular psychic anatomy – as it is so expressed in the sum and total of knowledge which you had accumulated in these higher dimensions of understanding – also became a greater contrast to the darkened grayness of the astral worlds, and the psychic anatomies of the people who live in these worlds. By this contrast, the greater became their effort to sublimate you in all your efforts, to bring you down to their level; to hold you within their grasp. For within the psychotic reaches of these minds, there is a complete obsessive quality which demands that no one can be superior to them in their particular way of life. In this sense, they are completely irrational; they are blinded to the better and more benign influences which could be theirs. They have a concerted and concentrated program, within their own minds and within the organizations in which they participate, to subjugate and to hold any person who comes within the reach of their influence.

It must also be borne in mind that in these various first stage progressions which you are making at this particular time, you are very vulnerable to these various sub-astral influences. You have, up until this particular moment, developed a psychic anatomy from the many different life transpositions in material worlds similar to the earth world or a part of the earth world. In this respect, your psychic anatomy is your old self; as the old self is still very strongly a part of you, through harmonic attunements in these various earth life dispensations and associations, these sub-astral world people can very strongly influence you in a manner and form which is particularly difficult to determine at any given moment. This is so because of the obvious fact, that the old self as a part of you, is oscillating in consciousness with you; therefore, you cannot objectively rationalize what the particular emotion or reaction is at that particular moment; either it is a part of the old world, and an influential dominant character of the astral underworlds, or you are minded so to speak, from the higher planes of Light in their inspirational qualities in the more reasonable and analytical phases of mental development which they are trying to help you develop.

This is where you can become your own worst enemy; should you at any time fail to discriminate between the higher planes of Light and the sub-astral, subversive influences which are dominating you from your old past – through the lower self which you have developed in the past – and if you should fail to discriminate in a manner and form, with a completely objective introspection, and continuously fail to realize the nature of your position, or how these various worlds are influencing you in your numerous acts of life, then you will indeed become one of these sub-astral forces.

Fortunately however, there is a sure-fire way to discriminate in all of your various acts of consciousness, how you can actually determine, at any moment, whether it is an old past lifetime, subversive influence coming to you from out of the past and from the astral worlds, or whether you are being constructively minded. This sure-fire method of discrimination is very simple and very effective when it is properly used. This is to simply realize at all times that nothing, absolutely nothing in the world about you, or in your environment is actually caused by you. The moral responsibility of all your own thoughts and your actions are actually you. You must not, at any time, blame any person, the world, or the political system for what seems to be some negative happening. Any dissension or strife which arises within your consciousness should be determined as products of your own concept; they are your own personal property. In short, they are your own old self trying to rear its ugly head above the slime and mire of the past world where it grew and made life possible for you in those more primitive stages of your evolution; it is trying to rear its head into your present. It is trying to influence and subvert you from a progressive evolution.

Also, in these various dissatisfactions and mental tensions which arise in your mind and consciousness, you may try to use different devices or escape mechanisms; you will attempt in diverse and numerous ways to expurgate these various tensions and strifes, not as something which may personally involve you or incriminate you with the consciousness that it is your own personal conduct; but always these devices will seem to assume some form wherein you can discharge them upon other people or upon other conditions. In this respect prayer is one of the obvious devices used by hundreds of millions of people; they are trying to blame their God in His varied dispensations for their own personal acts of consciousness, for their own personal conduct; they blame God for this and that. They say God is punishing them for their sins, or they may even pray to God to have Him show their neighbors the way of their particular method of thinking or way of life. In short, through prayer, God becomes the scapegoat, and is an obvious device used by hundreds of millions of people to somehow discharge these various different psychic derelictions in which they are involved.

There are many other ways in which people try to discharge these numerous differences in psychic pressures which are generated in contrast to their old way of life into the present tense. Some particular devices are the political systems in which their country is presently involved, the various different aspects of community life, etc. Of course it goes without saying, the greatest psychopath of them all, who is trying to discharge these sundry psychic derelictions, is the Evangelist; the person who goes about with his own personal crusade to try to convince everybody in the way of his own religious concepts. Some of these Evangelists have grown to world-wide fame and are known throughout the world; they have succeeded in presenting to hundreds of thousands of people, the same hypnotic escape mechanisms which they seem to find when, temporarily, at least, they escape the reality of their mental position by believing that some fancied God has relieved them of their sins and the way in which they have lived their past lives.

By whatever manner or form you find these varied different psychological devices – if I can use the term – wherever you find them, and people using them, you will find the astral underworld forces at work; for each one of these various psychic devices are tools, sometimes expertly used by the minions of the underworlds. The messengers go about and place these tools in the hands of unsuspecting earth people and help to tear down their own particular mental temple of understanding which they have been building through the numerous stages of earth life reincarnations.

The problem with any individual who wishes to aspire to a higher dimension of understanding – if he wishes to become one of the members of the higher worlds of Light, where life is lived in quite a different fashion than on some material worlds – that is for this aspirant to realize it is within the pure dimension of understanding Infinity objectively, that he will be able to make this progressive evolution.

At no time must he use any obvious devices for using the Infinite to advance himself in the dimension of a personal relationship. The Infinite is infinite, and can be made infinitely possible to any human only on the basis that the Infinite is objectively realized without the implication of personal, dogmatic, rhetorical influences which are always carried over by every human, from out of his past. In other words, the freedom of thought or concept, as it must be carried on in the higher dimensions is purely a product of infinite understanding. It is quite different from the former selfish attitudes which people expressed in the lower planes of life, which were directly a byproduct or a carry over from the more primitive stages of their evolution, and in such earth lives where the law of the jungle – survival of the fittest – was the mandatory element of daily life. Actually, people figuratively and literally, in many different ways, fought a daily life and death battle; not only with the various beasts of the jungle, but later on other killers came to take the place of these shadowy forms; numerous diseases, different levels of life where the common values of the economies of life were so expressed in obtaining the daily necessities of life from the soil, or the manufacturing of various products into usable articles for their fellow men were also part of this battle.

These are all, by necessity, ways and manners in which people have lived on the planet earth; they are also, in a competitive way, the ever-expressive principle of survival of the fittest. For every person today is in actual competitive combat with his neighbor on the basis of actual survival. This is commonly referred to as the “rat race”; it is well known that if any person lies down on the job, so to speak, he can be run over by the trampling hordes of his fellow men. He is forced by the sheer necessity of life to stand up and participate in his daily struggle for survival. As it was quoted before, this survival is another manifestation of the old primitive law of the jungle, survival of the fittest; and it is an incumbent law which always is found in any earth life dispensation.

For in the spiritual worlds where life is lived in a different fashion, there is a complete departure from these older and more primitive expressions of life. As the concept of understanding with any particular entity, who occupies these higher dimensions, is concerned infinitely, then in such a manner, he is harmonically attuned to the vast interdimensional inflow of supreme intelligent, reconstructive, re-creative power which is ever surging and resurging about him; and in this harmonic attunement, it becomes the substance of his life; it is his food and drink; it is the way in which his psychic anatomy is, not only sustained but is also, to some extent, progressively re-attuned to even higher forms and higher inflows of this Infinite Consciousness.

Likewise, in a manner and form, this higher and more highly developed entity, is also reciprocating, or he is radiating as a positive polarity into dimensions which are somewhat in a lower state of consciousness than his own. He does this in the sense that he has passed through these various planes of life, and has still retained, in a sense, the polarized knowledge of these planes in which he has lived. In this manner he can, therefore, use the inflow of this higher Infinite Power and reshape it or reform it, so to speak, and relay it in the radiant process into the lower dimensions. It now becomes reharmonically attuned to those who are living in the lower dimensions through the knowledge of this higher entity who has lived in them. This outward radiated force or power from this entity then becomes the inspirational food and drink of any people, say, who can be harmonically attuned to the inflow of this higher state of consciousness and to the one who is relaying the power of the Infinite into their own immediate perspectus of life. It is in this manner and form that millions of earth people constantly find, within themselves, this great resurgent power which gives them the necessary impetus to carry forward. It gives them the inspiration, the inward faith and knowledge, to some extent, to carry on, despite a continuous succession of adversities. They can even find, in the agonies of their death beds, a higher inspirational value, which will nullify the negation of that particular experience.

Yes, and there are those from the higher worlds who will actually reincarnate into the physical life body, so that they can become a polarity to these higher developed personalities with whom they associate. In this sense a more direct rapport is attained with various different denizens of the earth, so that a greater proportion of power, intelligence, inspiration, etc., can be conveyed directly to them. This becomes the magic alchemy of life to many of these people who, are so contacted; they find the miracles happening to them, just as they happened in the Holy Land 2000 years ago. Yet, primarily all people who are thus so contacted, and feel the inflow of this radiant, vitalizing, life giving, intelligent energy are actually, to a degree, quite strongly preconditioned for this advent. They have been alerted through diverse and sundry past life dispositions and associations through in between world concourses with various different higher dimensional configurations of life, to a point where they can mentally conceive the possibility within themselves of a better and higher way of life.

When these people have thus attained this mental perspectus, then the reincarnate entity from the higher plane of life can find a rapport; he can, through harmonic attunement, connect himself with the varied psychic subconscious or even conscious thought processes of any one of the preconditioned people so that he is a substation, and relays directly to them, a much greater degree of the inflow of this constructive Infinite interdimensional energy. It will reassume itself and appear in the surface life in diverse miraculous transpositions and various different adjustments which always occur when this particular junction and function has been attained. This is the opposite side of the picture which I had previously described to you.

The benign influence from the higher dimensions can be yours if you are so consciously aware of the processes involved in these transpositions. Conversely, if you are relaying the influence and the cancerous malignant effect of the lower astral worlds into your daily life, in the form of jealousies, hatreds, or other different attitudes of life; or if you may be attempting to circumscribe the dimension or the way in which other people live; yes, you may even know of or understand a higher way of life, yet much of this knowledge will be subverted should you be insistent to your fellow man that he subscribe to your way of thinking. At no time in our personal evolution should we feel a dominant urge to convert our fellow men to our way of thinking. We must always realize within the infinite reaches of the great Creative Intelligence that every human has found his own particular niche in life at that particular moment; he is a product of evolution, just as we are; and his particular point of evolution is just as valuable to him in the karmic lessons of life as the one in which we are involved. Should he, at any time, come to us with the understanding within himself, that we can give him something and share with him a higher quality or expression of life, then we can do so; but only on the basis that it is acceptable to him, and with his understanding that there is a better way of life and we can help him attain this better way.

Likewise, we should never misuse those who come to us from the higher planes of life; we should not try in any way to demand from them; we should not expect them to work miracles for us which would automatically nullify our own personal integrity, the power which we should exercise, within the dominion of our own lives, and rationally integrate all various forms of life as a product of our own consciousness and our own voluntary effort. It is quite useless to assume that any person would reach a higher plane of life by simply being levitated to it. The higher way is always attained in a direct proportion to our understanding of this higher life and the effort we use to attain it.

Let us not be diverted through various and sundry aspects of life which come to us and which may be the direct influence in some different kind of a psychic rapport with some of the subversive astral underworld forces and influences. They are ever at work; they never lose an opportunity to subvert you from your course of constructive evolution; they will warp, distort, confuse and misalign at every given opportunity. You will be constantly put to task within the confines of your own mind to keep your world well-ordered and straight; you must always keep the forward and upward progressive evolution within the dimension of your own consciousness, and you will refuse to be deviated from it.

You will also immediately rationalize that all of these various different malignant influences which come to you are products of dissention, borne from out of the astral underworlds and from your association with them as a progressive entity in some past lifetime. Quite conversely, the position which you may now, or shall in the future occupy, will present exactly the same problem in your progressive evolution. This is, in itself, Infinity and you can never conclude any particular point in your evolution where you can say that the lion is lying down with the lamb as it was parabolistically portrayed in Revelations. For in progressive evolution, the lion is always just outside the door; the lion of the past, in its carnivorous aspects, will destroy you should you let it again come into your daily life.

In other words, the lion is, in essence, the sum and total of your past, your many different lifetimes upon the earth and their innumerable experience quotients. Conversely the lamb represents the infinite future, white and unblemished in itself, it is still uncontaminated and untarnished by the realization of personal influences. Compatibility with the lion and the lamb, in any figurative sense, is only an assumption which begins when we can arrive at some conciliatory point, in our personal life evaluations, where we can completely compromise the past with the future, and place within the concept of our own minds, the complete compatibility of evolution as it exists in Infinite consciousness. When we have arrived in our evolution at this point of compatibility in an infinite sense, we can truly say that the lion is lying down with the lamb, and they will remain in a passive state of consciousness with our future until such times as we may become falsely enamoured with our past.

We may inadvertently contaminate our present position with the Infinite with various different, negative past transpositions. We may wrongly interpret or give them the incorrect bias or position in our introspection. When this foible of human consciousness has thus occurred, we can assume that we are in a more dominant attunement with the past. In that position the lion will then arise from his passive state of existence beside the lamb, and he will devour the lamb; or in other words, with this symbolic act of configuration, he has cancelled our chances, or our position to a progressive evolution, by devouring the concept of that future Infinite within the confines of the past. Thus he has also, in a sense, devoured the unfortunate person who has allowed himself to be victimized by becoming reattuned with his past in this more dominant subversive personality expression.

This is the true translation of the parable of the lion and the lamb, and unless any person has a proper knowledge of the Infinite, a way of rationalizing the numerous values in an integration of consciousness, the symbology of this parable – like many other similar configurations in parabolistic form which are contained in the Bible – will lose its meaning. All parables in the Bible can thus be more accurately transposed when a broader and more fundamental knowledge of the Infinite is obtained. The description which I have just enumerated to you also becomes, in a sense, the translation of the parable of the Garden of Eden.

For here again, the compatability with present consciousness in any individual, as it is correctly biased with some knowledge of the Infinite, can be presumed to be a more pure state of spiritual consciousness. However, should this consciousness be contaminated with the serpent of the past, then it becomes a temptation. The tree which bears the “fruit of life” is, in essence, the sum and total of the past as the person has so realized it; and again reverting to the past, he is, in a figurative sense, plucking the apple from the tree; or that the serpent, the symbology of the past inequalities and differences of the material world, hands the apple to him, makes absolutely no difference whatsoever, for the temptation has occurred and the individual has succumbed to the temptation which arose from the past. Therefore, the passive spiritual state of consciousness, represented by the Garden of Eden, passes away, and he is thrown back into the derelict past with all its various sins and iniquities and a constant submergence of self into a never-ending successive degenerating spiral into oblivion.

The meanings of various parables within the Old and New Testaments, as they are portrayed, have not been sufficient in themselves; they have been incorrectly interpreted by the masses of humanity who picked up these varied symbolic forms, and contrived within the dimension of their own minds, to distort them into configurations which conformed to their own limited horizon of thinking. The interpretation is thus never carried into the infinite dimension in which the original parabolistic form was so contrived and so conceived. This is, in essence, the same tenure which has been followed in the construction of any religious edifice and particularly in Christianity. For here again the liturgy of this religion, as it is supported by the various priesthoods and other exponents, who are, in themselves, elements of expression of Christianity, has thus contrived to build this into a rote system, tremendously dogmatic and extremely rhetorical to the extent, that survival is continually mandated by these expressionists. Their influence often reaches into the innermost secret recesses of personal life expressions, and in some churches, even dominates the sexual associations of various families.

The net results of such subjugating influences, which are felt through these religious systems, are immediately apparent to any person who is even basically trained in certain psychological elements. As a person is robbed of the power to think, or he is robbed of the power to act, irrespective of whether this action is evil or good, then the person can be considered to be well on his way to complete atrophy. If you held your arm in an absolutely immobile position for an indefinite period of time, the joints in the arm would fuse together, the muscles would become very flaccid, and they would not have any power within themselves to manipulate the various cord structures or bone segments of the arm; in other words, your arm would become a dangling appendage on your anatomy.

The same is true of your mind; and in any respect in whatever dimension of function in the process of oscillating infinitely through the psychic anatomy, where this process becomes even partially suspended, then we have the possibility of the beginning of a cancerous atrophy, which will, if given opportunity, spread throughout the entire structure of the psychic anatomy. The person then becomes more or less of an inert blob of energy substance which floats in the plasma of the universal expression, or we can say, he has reverted back to the place wherein a certain metamorphosis will take place, and this universal supply and substance will again regenerate this degenerated form and substance into something constructive in a normal and well-balanced scale of progressive evolution.

This is the cycle of the accession and recession which is always immediately apparent in any position in any person’s life. It cannot for one moment be conceived – in fact the thought is intolerable – that we could reach any fancied position in our spiritual evolution into the higher worlds where we could retire, so to speak, and lying back on a pink cloud playing a harp, float in utter complete happiness and oblivion through eternity. Such a completely passive state of existence would nullify, not only the objectivism of evolution itself, in the development of an entity of consciousness (which could be conceived as infinite in its expression), but so having arrived at the point where such an expression in an infinite capacity was about to be realized then this person would irrationally retire on the presumption, that now he had completed his work, and he would naturally be expected to atrophy completely. Having thus started the downward trail of evolution he would, as an entity of consciousness, reach that more ultimate point in the downward progression where the facsimile of individual expression was completely absent; and he would revert back to the common point of supply and the regenerative point of substance in the scale of infinite evolution.

At this point we must not contrive within ourselves to enter into the more abstract derivations which are automatically suggested by the presentation of this concept. The beginning, or terminating point in any evolutionary concept is practically nonexistent; that is, in infinite conception nothing is incomplete in itself, but functions perfectly in principle; therefore there is no terminating point nor is there any beginning point in Infinite Consciousness. Infinite Consciousness has survived, and always should be pictured in the individual consciousness as a constant survival, a never-ending and a never-beginning survival of Infinite Consciousness which supersedes far in advance of any concept or tenet of human consciousness that can presuppose the starting or ending point in any evolutionary cycle.

Therefore, the individual must remain content, for the present at least, with this particular concept of Infinity. Infinity must wait, so to speak, as far as you are concerned, until that day and age when you can conceive Infinity in a somewhat more expanded position. Even in that future day however, do not presume that you will find a terminating point; neither will there be a beginning; for a beginning and an ending are synonymous in all respects, and one must be present in order for the other to manifest. The function of the Infinite is completely abstract in all expressions, and therefore, remains as a completeness in cyclic form which is manifest in its entirety in interdimensional function. It can never be separated from itself; it cannot be placed in any particular position but resides infinitely throughout Infinity.

In this respect the Infinite is infinitely wise; and in knowing, It must conceive evolution as a cyclic form, propagated and supported by the inner dimension of inner consciousness as having a starting point in any particular concept or realization as it concerns an individual entity of consciousness, such as a human being. Here, the scale of evolution, so far as humanity is concerned, is a collective integration of various different infinite form substances which are more or less amassed, so to speak, through the process of evolution, by the principle of harmonic attunement, which in turn, has been re-created as a negative polarity in the environment of some particular material world dispensation.

Here the principle of positive and negative polarity is of the utmost importance; while the facsimile of a certain negative appearance in life is always inversely supported from within by a similar infinite or psychic polarization as a positive element, the transmission of these two different polarities, as they are more directly concerned within the attunement of their own particular expressive elements always, in turn, recatalyze or polarize various other different additive concepts within the mental horizon of the human, as these are concerned within the confines of his psychic anatomy. In this respect, therefore, it must be thoroughly understood, by the aspirant to a higher way of life, that every act of consciousness, if fulfilled in a physical follow-up is, in effect, a universal part of the whole; it is attuned harmonically to every other different cyclic manifestation in the entire infinite macrocosm, as such, an attunement through these many harmonic planes of interception, the person, in turn, at any given point in his evolution, can be considered to be a person of infinite proportions.

He has within the dimension of his mind the complete and abstract power of reaching out into the Infinite, and aligning himself, harmonically speaking, with any particular transposition of life. He can manifest anything he wishes in his life; however when a person reaches this state of consciousness the material life has reached a point of complete abeyance and is completely superseded by the principle of Infinity Itself as a reconstructive element. This individual then, can be presumed to have passed that point where any particular manifestation of spiritual consciousness will integrate as personal adjutants in his own way of life; or they can be presumed to be demonstrative values used to impress his fellow men with the greatness of his understanding. They are not used to waylay the past insecurities and various different elements of the past life which can be largely considered as an escape mechanism, presupposed into the present and in the future.

Any individual thus harmonically attuned with the Infinite is, in all effect, an element which is reciprocating infinitely. Within the dimension of consciousness of his mind, he is completely aware of the Infinite in all its most abstract ramifications. He is completely aware of its constant, never-ending, resurgence which it constantly recreates within itself, the utmost in all abstract forms of consciousness. This person can also intelligently rationalize that each earth man, as he starts his evolutionary climb, is thus so confronted with the Infinite; but having a singular mind as a point of transposition in the immediate present as a third dimensional time element, he therefore can be selective only at the moment and in relation to the environmental pressures with which he is so surrounded.

In this way the individual begins his ascension or climb into a more advanced and Infinite perspectus. In this climb it can also be presumed, in the various cyclic transmissions of numerous earth lives, which are innumerable in number, that he must become selective; first he becomes selective on the basis of the immediate apparencies which are engendered by the aforementioned environmental pressures.

Then, the earth person’s progression advances to a point – and it must be remembered here, that the principle of Infinite expression is always progressive in nature – where he, so traveling into Infinity, must always be consciously minded of this progression, and it can be presumed that he has reached, and begun to pass over a certain threshold – this threshold is his spiritual consciousness – to the point where he has grown, or expanded the dimension of his own particular perspectus of life to begin to include divers and sundry deistic elements; or he has acknowledged, in more or less material aspects, that there are, within the dimension of his mind, certain particular facilities, or manifestations which cannot be compromised and cannot be explained in ordinary material stances.

Thus this person has reached his threshold of spiritual consciousness; he again reaches, so to speak, into Infinity, and in reaching comes out with some of the more pure and uncontaminated realizations of the Infinite which must be reshaped within the mental horizon of his own mind. These realizations must conform with the different ideologies, the various configurations with which he is familiar. His mystical effigies of God, or the diverse gods with which he is associated, always must contain the various temperamental and emotional vicissitudes of his own nature. In this respect, mankind, up until the present time at least, and universally speaking – so far as the earth man is concerned – has not reached that plateau of understanding wherein he has completely separated the entity of the Infinite in his consciousness from these sundry emotional vicissitudes.

There are, in all religious factors, still certain dispensations of emotional values which are mandated, to a large degree, by the very existence of the church system itself. For should any person reach and pass the threshold where he becomes more completely introspective into Infinity, then church systems are no longer necessary in the mental horizon of his own daily life. He has now reached that place where he can interweave, in his daily life, various interdimensional facsimiles which are more completely abstract in nature, and he has taken into himself more of the infinite manner of expression.

When this has occurred to the individual, he becomes completely passive to the old past; he does not, within the dimension of his mind, participate in the earthly activities, as they are presented to him in his daily associations in the sense of the word that they are, as to other people, the dominant libido or drive in his daily life. The necessity of life itself, as it is lived by the physical man, mandates a complete subjugation to this physical life. However, to the person who has thus become infinitely minded, the physical life assumes its more proper relationship to the Infinite; it is merely another plateau in which any earth man can be presumed to have a certain interlocking relationship with the Infinite, as it is relocated within the dimension of his own physical life. At this point then, the infinitely minded person can be presumed to be in that position Jesus spoke of when He said, “Being in the world, but not of it.” It was very true with Jesus, just as it has been with any and all individuals who have reincarnated into the world and yet have not been one of the citizens of this world in the pure sense.

Any person who is infinitely minded and has assumed the mantle of flesh in a reincarnation for the object purpose of re-expressing Infinity to his fellow man, has naturally assumed some of the inevitable consequences which are always attendant to such a reincarnation. For, by now this infinitely minded person is so much more positively biased in his respect to the Infinite, that the existence in a material world demands the greatest amount of various different jurisprudences; it demands a direct and continual daily usage of all of his knowledge to sustain his life in the physical body upon the earth. This is quite different from the physical life lived in general by the earth man who is, in essence supported by a psychic anatomy which is compounded from divers physical drives. For with the spiritually advanced person, his drive has now been superseded by an Infinite knowledge, and his function in an environment which is foreign to a spiritually advanced person must be supported by a direct knowledge of all processes involved in sustaining life as a continuity of expression, in a scientific form and manner; and as he represents the positive polarity which very easily can be discharged to the material world, it remains a problem with him to compromise various continuities of expression in his relationship to his fellow man.

This is what Jesus meant when the woman with the issue touched His robe and He said, “Who touched me, for I felt the virtue leave me?” In that moment of touching His garment, this woman automatically discharged certain stored up energy – which Jesus had in His more immediate psychic aura – into the constructive rehabilitation process of her physical anatomy. It was in this manner and respect that Jesus was very often forced to refrain from intercourse with His fellow man and flee to the mountains where, in absolute tranquility and silence, He could again reach into the Infinite and recharge the numerous psychic structures and the different physical auras; so that He could, and would return to His earth life and continue His mission.

No, Jesus did not pray when He was in these mountain solitudes; in fact, if a complete accurate biography of Jesus were available, it would reveal that Jesus did not pray at any time; neither at the time of commission of miracles, nor in His abstinence from the society of His fellow man, when He was in the vastness of the mountain seclusions. The process of mental integration which Jesus used and which superseded and supplanted the earth man’s form of prayer was a conscious, constant, continuity of expression with the Infinite. In this respect, prayer was entirely superficial; in fact prayer would have been completely detrimental to a person who had reached that mental plane in life where he could conceive the Infinite as a relative function within the dimension or circumference of his own mentality, that it could be used as a dynamic principle of reconstruction in the evolution of his fellow man.

So, the various picturizations of Jesus, in which it is supposed that He prayed, or that He conversed, in a sense of the word, in a prayerful attitude with the Father, are entirely fictitious. They are merely the distortions which have been, either accidentally or intentionally, included in the numerous translations of the scriptures as they were first compounded from the memory contents of many different people who had survived the witch hunt after the crucifixion. In this respect the principle of continuity of expression with the Infinite into daily life, becomes a predominant principle of life to any person who has passed on beyond the precincts of the material world. In this state of consciousness any person does not need to pray. He has arrived at a place where the Infinite is the dynamic activating principle of his life; in this respect then, his chief problem is to keep his conscious or physical mind in a more passive position to the more highly developed Superconscious, which he has thus developed through the various countless ages of life lived in numerous environmental conditions.

Any person who has reached this position in his life is also mindful of various other different principles and positions of compatability, at which he must arrive, and these must be compromised in the mind of the earth man. To the earth man, who sees the personality reincarnate of some advanced spiritual being, such as Jesus, the age-old escape mechanism becomes completely dominant; he approaches this reincarnate personality, whom he calls a master, and on bended knee asks to be relieved of various physical and mental conditions. This is in direct opposition to the mental position of the perspectus which this spiritually advanced person is occupying. He knows full well the value of personal integrity which should and must be developed through the dimension of personal experience, the mastery, in effect, that this person, in going through the experience, gains the more infinite ramifications of the infinite experience, as it is concerned within the finite dimension of his own material consciousness.

The personal integrity of any person is not advanced, in fact, it is retarded if any mental or physical condition is miraculously removed from him. He is retarded in his natural progressive evolution, simply because the age-old escape mechanism has now been strengthened; he will, in the future, when he reincurs the old physical remanifestations of strife in his physical or mental perspectus, again try to seek some master or some deistic configuration which he hopes will relieve him. His search, should he not find this person, will be unending and of course fruitless; for as his search continues, so does he plunge himself more deeply in the abysmal reaches of the subconscious and sub-astral worlds, where fact is distorted into fancy and reality into fiction; so the more highly developed spiritual entity is confronted with a problem. He must enter into a certain compromising situation with the principles of progressive evolution. He must arrive at some very delicately balanced point of equilibrium where sufficient amounts of Infinite Power can be projected into this poor earth man’s consciousness so that he will have the necessary incentive, the desire to continue in his search for a higher way of life; or that he might be inspired to seek out the correct solution to any and all of his present physical enigmas.

Needless to say, that at the point where this jurisprudence must be entered into, the advanced spiritual personality is taxed almost to the limits of his mental perspectus. For he is compassionately moved by the suffering of his fellow earth man; yet he knows that to give him more than just the right amount of the various esoterical or spiritual values in personal demonstrations of healing, etc., would be to rob this person of the incentive or drive to acquire a better way of life. For a miracle, in itself, must be more than a miracle, in a sense that it simply heals a condition; it must also give a great impetus, a great drive to this person to acquire a higher and better way of life. The mere manifestation of a miracle in a person’s life should also be a catalyzing agent which would help to reconform various existing psychic malformations; to discharge any one or numerous psychic shocks which have been impounded within the psychic anatomy from past physical dispensations.

This then, is the way in which the Infinite again relives in one or more of the numerous forms of earth life dispensations which concern the earth man. The return of the savior, the Messianic content of any religion, should not be conceived within a church system, as an actual advent where Jesus, as the Master on the right hand side of the throne of some great white-robed Santa Claus, called Jehovah, descends upon a burned out earth to again re-establish, in some manner or form, the atomic constituents of a physical body and to bring out of the pits of hell, the various and associated personalities who are to reinhabit these reconformed physical anatomies.

Such a supposition is infantile. It has been borne from out of the reaches of a primitive subconscious mind of a person who tried to arrive at divers and sundry deistic configurations and their dispensations through the elemental and emotional values of his own life. The true course of life is evolutionary in nature; it is progressive; it must either continue onward and upward, or it must continue downward. At no time will there be a point where a person can be presumed to be coasting, or to remain in some suspended state of animation. For the attributes within every wave form, as it is manifest, and as it is part of the Infinite Intelligence, must again regenerate; always it must be harmonically attuned. It always must be a part of the whole; it has no beginning; it has no terminating point; it remains constantly an ever-changing, resurgent, manifestation of the Infinite in action.

In this respect every person who is so minded for a better life, must appropriately understand these dynamic principles of infinite function and action. It cannot be otherwise. There are no intercessors, save in the concept within the consciousness of each individual, as he seeks out the Kingdom of Heaven which is within the concept of his own mind.

Infinite Perspectus, Chapter 20

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