The Time-Space Dimension And Our Relationship To It

by Ernest L. Norman

The reader must remember that time and space are synonymous in all respects, for if we did not have time, we would not have space. Time and space means only the transference, in some specific relationship of an idea or form of consciousness from one plane of equation to another. The sum and total of all intelligence as posed in the Infinite Consciousness, is therefore, in direct terms of frequency relationship – space.

These confusing elements of time can be eliminated, for the existence of this consciousness in any form merely means that it relates itself in frequency relationship to various existing compatible relationships in whatever position they so exist in the Infinite Consciousness. When this principle is thoroughly understood, then the scientist can separate himself from his material world and place himself in an equitable position with other different transpositions of life as they are lived by mankind on other planetary systems.

Therefore the scientist will not seek ways and means to circumvent his seeming time-space dimension but will, in turn, do a more comprehensible thing; he will place himself in the terms of frequency relationship with other dimensions by the transference of consciousness wherein time and space are eliminated simply because he is now harmoniously, or compatibly, vibrating with whatever consciousness he wishes to attain. The old idea that there must always be a vehicle to transport consciousness is indeed fallacious and was born in the primitive aboriginal mind as it developed in the jungles and back reaches of the world. Consciousness is not concerned with any particular form of vehicle, for the transpositional element is strictly and basically that of a compatible vibrating element. The vibrating element can be considered to be so contained in such cyclic patterns which, while being complete in themselves, yet form the common aggregate of the Infinite Consciousness. It must also be thoroughly understood in our symposium or synthesis that there is nothing static or apparently stationary in this Infinite Consciousness, but all forms and expressions as they are so posed in the Infinite are continually, through frequency relationship, regenerating themselves into new forms of consciousness. Even the commonly associated constituents of atomic forms as they are immediately associated with your life upon the earth plane, are undergoing such metamorphoses, internal changes and structures; thus they are somewhat commonly understood by present existing physical or atomic scientists in these latter days.

Therefore, the reader must always remain conscious of the fact that he is immediately presenting (so to speak), his face of consciousness toward the Infinite. As he presents this face of consciousness – with its five senses, in a physical sense – and relating itself as it does also to its sixth or any number of succeeding senses – which are merely more relationships as they are associated in energy wave forms and are called extrasensory perception – this individual is also associating or relating himself to Infinity and thus presenting his face in newer and different aspects to the movement of the Infinite Cosmogony. These are the common patterns of life as are posed for every individual and which, in their basic derivations and extractions, thus place every human being upon an equitable plane with that of his neighbor. It does not, however, in any sense of the word, subtract from the individual’s own personal position in his respect to the Infinite. As his position is always different from that of his neighbor in his understanding of the Infinite, he will therefore subtract such a position as he possesses and is able to interpolate in his consciousness into various extractions in his daily life.

This concept gives rise to the various racial differences and numerous other dispensations of life which are seen about you in your world. While these things are all a part of the consciousness of each individual as thus expressed and are vitally important to him, yet they mean absolutely nothing personal in the sense that they are so related to the Infinite Consciousness as a part of that continual resurgent pattern of regeneration in this Infinite Consciousness.

At this particular point, the reader will therefore be able to realize, in his present position and introspection to this Infinite, that the particular thing which was of the utmost and dominant importance is not the relationship of the Infinite to him but, his relationship to the Infinite. The Infinite is stable in all of its various and numerous manifestations and is considered a constant resurgent pattern of regeneration into all forms of consciousness, visible or invisible.

Therefore, the reader will form in consciousness, various and conjunctive relationships with this Infinite which will or will not place him upon a constructive evolutionary pattern. This is the determinant of consciousness as it is posed by each individual in the more primitive misunderstandings of good and evil which will later develop into a much more harmonious, compatible understanding and relationship to the Infinite Consciousness. This then will become the particular point of man’s journey wherein he will have formed a stronger and more conjunctive relationship with the Superconsciousness, for the Superconsciousness is the Superego or the Christ Self, formed through numerous polarizations with the Father Within, as it is sometimes called, which is the sum and total of the Infinite.

Residing, as man has been previously supposed in our equations, in such nuclei or spiritual cell structures of frequency relationships with the Infinite Consciousness which, through this positive polarization process with the negative or the manifested earth life of any particular individual – he thus develops this Superconsciousness or Spiritual Ego to the point where it becomes the dominant polarity in his life. At this point the person will therefore exhibit and exemplify such interpolations of life which can be considered “Infinite” in nature and magical in their portent by any other individual who does not possess the necessary introspection to more properly evaluate what is commonly called supernormal phenomena, into natural manifestations of Infinite Consciousness.

There is nothing supernormal in this Infinite Consciousness, but only becomes supernormal, magical or otherwise in its proportion, in direct ratio to how thoroughly it is misunderstood by the individual. In the higher dimensions of life, supernormal phenomena is quite as natural in daily life as the materialistic, reactionary principles with which the materialist is presently concerned in his earth life dimension. Consciousness of these facts in a subconscious way often gives rise to various and peculiar manifestations in the average materialist’s life. As he has now reached a particular point in the evaluation of his own position with the Infinite, he has also entered into various other corrective syntheses in this position of his personal life and will thus become conscious to some degree – through the inner channels of consciousness of the manifestations of Infinite Consciousness about him.

Various other forms of life will begin to appear on the surface of the individual’s consciousness which are exemplified into such forms as flying saucers and various psychisms which often relate him into flashbacks of past lifetimes. He will also begin to see or sense the existence of life as it is posed individually and collectively for mankind in the higher spiritual planes of consciousness. He will begin to conceive the possibility that life can and does exist in higher spiritual relationships where material dogmas, creeds and attitudes no longer make the individual subservient in a reactionary way to his daily life.

We can therefore never neglect in our own symposium, as we are concerned with the Infinite, that we should not at any particular point, delete from our present state of consciousness, by limiting our concept in our failure to understand the various and infinite number of subtractions as they appear upon the conscious surface of our minds, that this conscious surface is only one point of focus at the moment, where the individual is presenting his face of consciousness toward the Infinite.

The individual, therefore, who places his stamp of approval or disapproval upon any manifestation of consciousness upon the exterior surface of his life – or any other person’s life for that matter – has only, in his ignorance, tried to place this same stamp upon the Infinite Consciousness. He has also tried to delete from the dismal and darkened regions of his own consciousness, the complete and Infinite Cosmogony, the very Creative Life Forces which gave him birth, the impetus to survive upon the planet earth and to propagate his existence into other forms of life in higher spiritual dimensions. Such ignorance is inconceivable and would exist only in the mind of an ignorant person. And yet such ignorance is found in comparatively high echelons of the scientific and other so-called higher factions of the material world.

Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum

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