To Be In The World But Not Of It

by Ernest L. Norman

Let us enter into some of the various factors and problems which confront the student of Unarius as he begins his climb from out the material worlds. We will begin with one of the classical utterances of Jesus, who said, and I quote, “Thou cannot serve God and mammon too,” or again, “To be in the world but not of it.” In order to understand both the broader and more involved ramifications of God and mammon, we must first analyze what God and what mammon are, and note the differences in the ways people approach and live by these various concepts, thought patterns, and other psychological values in their numerous life interpretations. Mammon is a general classification of an Aramaic word which denotes the general material world, its various sins and iniquities and the materialistic proclivities of all the people who are so strenuously involved in the material or earth worlds.

Conversely and in a somewhat different manner, God is, as presented by the Unariun concept, the scientific facsimile of all the visible and invisible worlds, the microcosm and the macrocosm. God is also the regenerative principle which activates all forms of regeneration which so appear, whether they are various atomic constituents of the material world, or whether they are the more highly developed life expressions as they are lived in the spiritual worlds. It can generally be agreed, so far as the material man is concerned in this immediate world, that he is largely a materialistic being; he is serving mammon; he is tremendously involved in the various materialistic earth life dispensations and the complexities which are involved in living these diverse expressions. He does not, to any degree, possess sufficient knowledge of the higher spiritual worlds; even though he may proclaim a religion, his religion is not, in a sense, a reality in comparison to the material world in which he is so living. Therefore, the material world does so remain dominant.

However, to any person who has so evolved to that point whereby he can conceive or envision within his mind the possibility of life lived beyond the material plane, this life can be reasonably supposed to be lived in a much more highly developed form of evolution; it is devoid of the various materialistic vicissitudes which beset the earth man, such as his wars and diseases; also the spiritual planes are places where life is lived in a more mental expression without the material forms. Now, should any individual arrive at this threshold of consciousness and find himself living in some material world such as the earth world, he is quite likely to be involved in divers and sundry karmic dispensations; karma in the sense of the word that he is quite likely to be in a condition of great mental turmoil or stress. Also he may be expressing outwardly through his physical body numerous physical diseases or conditions which do not yield to modern medical practice, for even the modern doctor does not have names for all these conditions.

Unfortunately, for any such individual so involved in this threshold, if he does not have sufficient guidance or an explanation for his various differences and difficulties, he is quite likely to be completely enmeshed in some of the countless diverse mental aberrations which beset so many thousands of people living in these times, just as these conditions have beset and enmeshed people in previous periods of time and in different civilizations. As there are no reasonable equations existing in the world today which can explain these differences, humanity, as a whole, must therefore look upon these various peoples as mentally or physically ill. If they are not so classified, they may express other forms of nonconformities such as peculiar, weird, spiritual, or religious practices. They may be involved in diverse physical or sexual perversions but as a whole, these are people who are at the present time, to some degree, involved in certain psychic expressions which cannot be adequately explained either by the present-day psychologist, the practitioner, or the religious therapist. Nor can they be resolved in the pure concept of the individual himself, for he is so completely involved in these complexities that he is unable to recognize certain comparative values which may exist in the world about him.

As a student of Unarius, it is also quite likely that you are, to some degree, emotionally involved in various differences which may be quite apparent to you at this particular time. These may concern the differences in the attitudes of your many friends with whom you have associated in the years past. It may also concern you in the varied manners and ways in which you live, such as your eating habits and even the food itself. Clothing too, may present a problem from time to time, and as a whole, you may feel yourself resenting the many implications and the thought patterns which are involved with these various life dispensations. Clothing, food, friends, houses, and various other forms and patterns of life may become increasingly odious to you as you progress in your evolution. You must always remember that as a student of Unarius, you are given the advantages of the diverse scientific interpretations which this science contains, together with the great aid and assistance from the spiritual worlds, in the manner and form in which these scientists, and doctors and teachers can project to you, their helpful energy dispensations; they do so tremendously aid you in cancelling out sundry past life aberrations and help to rebuild your psychic anatomy.

In this sense you can visualize yourself as actually traveling through time and space at a vastly accelerated speed as if being fired from some huge cannon. You may in a few days, or in a few hours time, actually be rebuilt or reformed to a point which would normally take you many thousands of lifetimes to acquire in the ordinary reactionary manner you have been accustomed to until this time. Should such an occurrence happen to you and at any time you should be involved in a tremendous psychic upheaval wherein there may be literally thousands of years of earth lives removed, then the various negations involved in these experience quotients are so cancelled out in their negative proportions to you as they are so contained in your psychic anatomy. As this cancellation may so occur, you may become tremendously emotionally involved, at least for the moment, you may have a great sense of loss; you may feel that you have no friends in this world, and in essence this is literally so, for all of the former old earth forms with which you were previously involved, including your friends, have now passed on into another point of introspection. This situation is not to be feared, but rather it is to be welcomed, and each particular ‘working out’ – whether it is small or whether it is large – should be a definite milestone which marks your evolution into the future.

If you dislike giving up your friends or the thought of so giving up these various earth life dispensations, you must remember that it is quite similar, in a sense, to the pattern of life you have already lived on the earth. As a small child you lived in a childish world surrounded by other children with whom you played; these children have long since gone their way and would quite likely not mean very much to you, except that you can very faintly remember them. Even your brothers and sisters and your parents will have changed in their position to you, and you will feel quite different toward them than you did when you were a small child.

This all adds up to just one thing: you, like everyone else, are expressing a certain definite continuity in the sense of time, as the Infinite itself is so expressing, in the macrocosm and the microcosm, a constant and never-ending succession of regeneration of consciousness; so you, likewise, must do so in order to continue on in this evolutionary life process. Remember that various earth life interpretations, such as gregarity, and the ways in which people associate with others, are usually founded on inferior emotional values of life; that is, each person finds some reasonable facsimile of consciousness with his neighbor or with that person whom he calls his friend. When these numerous similarities of expression change, so friends pass from consciousness, it does not in a sense of the word mean that you lose a friend, for you should always envision within your mind that this continuity of life immediately brings other friends and other relationships into your consciousness.

Also through mental telepathy and in other ways in which the Infinite expresses Itself through every individual, you are always in constant continuity with every person you have ever known or with whom you have associated. That which friendship means to the
earth man is a similarity of expression whereby he can evaluate, within the conscious earth life forms of his fellow men, the similarities of his own earth life. It gives him sort of a feeling of security to realize there are other people who live just the same way he does and to some degree experience the same emotional complexes he experiences.

If, in the future, you find you are losing your appetite, that meat becomes obnoxious to you at times, that clothing feels rather tight and restricted, that the various life forms or patterns in the world about you seem to be heavy or useless, or they bore you, these are healthy signs and not to be feared as indications that you are becoming mentally aberrated. It merely means that in your sleep teaching you are already alerted and preconditioned to a much greater extent than you would normally have been. Also it means that you are making great progress, that is, if you supplant these various life experiences with the accumulation of another type of mental introspection or faculty which can be called more purely clairvoyance or paranormal. In other words you will have attuned yourself in a much higher degree to this great Infinite macrocosm and microcosm which is everywhere about you. You will see various life interpolations manifesting themselves as continuities of expression from the Infinite Consciousness.

These divers and sundry introspections will give you a greater security and a greater knowledge of where you are going when you leave this physical flesh. You will know that life is, and can be, sustained in consciousness beyond the physical or material world; you will know too, that it is a progressive evolution, in direct ratio and proportion as to how well you can assimilate the various interdimensional factors which are so involved. And so you will learn to replace these diverse earth life values with much greater and more expanded concepts which will enable you to live life in the higher dimensions. Now of course, all people with whom you are, or have been, so concerned in this or any previous lifetime may not have been just friends or associates or even relatives. They may be another more highly developed form of expression which will, in the natural sequence of evolution, be carried into a much higher plane of life.

This is that which has been called, in Unarius, the polarity concept. No doubt you have seen various people in this earth life who expressed a considerable amount of polarity consciousness in the way in which they lived. A husband and wife could look alike physically, and also they could express such a great degree of harmony in their everyday lives that it seemed they were one and the same person. These people have developed, to some degree, a certain polarity between them. This polarity development means, that through various past lifetimes and in the many varied relationships, they have lived together as husband and wife, as father and son, daughter and mother, etc., and in the general exchange of life experiences between them, they have, as is the Principle of Infinite Regeneration, so accumulated the various values of these experiences from exactly opposite or diametrically opposed poles of consciousness.

Between themselves they would share the common attributes of so envisioning within their own minds what this experience is; but they would have arrived at this general consumation of experience quotients from two exactly different directions. This too, is all part of the infinite way God expresses Himself through every human being; just as in every other particular thing which you may see in the infinite macrocosm and microcosm, there are no two exact facsimiles at any given time or place, and also these divers and sundry forms are continuously changing.

So for these people who have so developed this polarity between themselves, we can expand this concept on up into the spiritual dimensions and we can picture that when any two human beings can also interrelate themselves in the same polarity development with other human beings in the various multiples of four, eight, ten, twelve, etc., we can arrive in some future spiritual dimension and see whole communities or whole planets populated by people who are expressing common polarities among themselves; we even go beyond this concept and see that the Infinite Mind of God Himself is composed of an Infinite number of minds who are so merged in polarity that they have become the universal expressive principle of life which manifests in these general continuities of expressions into all of the macrocosm and microcosm.

However, here too, we cannot assume any definite terminating point of Infinity, for Infinity immediately suggests an even greater interpolation of principle of expression and regeneration from further continuities of polarities as they are contained from one Infinite into another. However, to picture these concepts within the conscious mind, as they may be contained in such comparative values with which you are more familiar, is beyond the normal capabilities of the human mind. Your future, as it is so contained in the evolutionary principle, will present to you many seemingly abstruse differentiations and you should not, at any time, become emotionally involved with them to the point where they could waylay you from your evolutionary course.

You must always realize and remember that there is a logical and scientific way in which all things can be equated satisfactorily. So far as your present position in the earth world is concerned, you are evolving out of this world; you are not one of those humans who think this world is all there is, or that you are only here once and you’re going to get the most out of it, etc., the famous last words of many humans who live today as they have lived from out of the past ages. As a consequence these people must return again and again to the earth worlds until they too, have that spiritual precognition which will enable them to gradually evolve from out these dimensions of the baser material worlds, into the higher and more highly developed spiritual worlds.

Do not be confused at any time by what people may say to you, for one person’s opinion does not change the face of Infinity. You are concerned with your own personal evolution, and in respect to the Infinite, this must be at all times progressive. It will also present to the Infinite, your own individual facsimile of experience and the interpretation of experience values which you obtain from your spiritual evolution. As these values change so must your philosophy of life; your science, as it is contained in the various expressions of Unarius, must be so adequately understood and used that it will enable you, at all times to most thoroughly compensate for the various differences which may seemingly confuse you for the moment. Friends, relatives, and even worlds will pass. This is the normal consequence of evolution. It is not to be feared, but it is to be looked forward to in anticipation; it is a challenge to your own mentality as to how well you can conceive within your mind the diverse factors which are involved in this progressive evolution. Should you fail to do so, you will revert back to the carnal primitive state of existence as it is lived in this world; even worse you may precipitate yourself into some of the hellish nightmares such as were pictured in Dante’s Inferno.

So, do not be afraid to lose the present form of your earth world. It has enormous compensations in the way in which your future life will be lived; the many friends whom you will meet and live with in the higher spiritual worlds, the greater and ever-increasing horizons of mental introspection will be yours, when you have acquired the reasonable facsimile of mind equation; and you will be able to attune yourself to an even greater and ever-expanding Infinite Consciousness. This will be your challenge; how well you do this will be determined entirely by you. There is no one who can do it for you, and there is no system, political, religious, or otherwise, which will even begin to adequately suffice, in a small way, any of the various evolutionary factors or their interpretations for you. This is what Jesus called, “Finding the Kingdom of Heaven which is within”.

Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus

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